Chapter 16

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I would like to apologize for not updating earlier. I've been super busy lately with school have a month left then it's summer and I swear I will update more this summer more then last summer that was bad last summer. Hopefully I finally finish this story also. Don't forget to follow me on twitter also @wildhearted1


I wake up to my phone ringing and yawn, the sun wasn't even peeking through the blinds on my window yet. I picked up my phone and squinted my eyes in the light seeing that Kian was the one calling me. I sighed and answered the phone, I was pissed off at him for leaving me. I was more then pissed off I was furious he knows how I am with new people and he just fucking leaves me, what kind of friend does that?

"Hello?" I ask in a bitchy tone.

"Skye I need you to do me a big favor. " Kian says, he sounded sober and everything which I was a bit confused about I seriously thought that he would be drunk.

"What is it Kian?" I ask once again with my bitchyness.

"Can you either come pick me up or get Sam to come pick me up? My car got towed and I don't want to call a cab. I also need somewhere to stay if I come home like this my parents will kill me." Kian says.

"Why the hell would I come pick you up? You are the one that left me Kian so why would I do anything for you?" I snap.

"Please Skye?" He begs.

"No I'm gonna go to bed now." I say going to hang up.

"Skye I'm sorry for ditching you I'll make it up to you if you pick me up I swear!" He yells into the phone which I can hear perfectly with my ear no where near my phone. I think for a minute before feeling bad and giving in I press my ear back to my phone.

"Fine I'll come pick you up but if I get in trouble I'm killing you." I say before hanging up and I call Sam right away I would have him come with me to pick up Kian since I got my car taken away and everything. I'm not stealing my own car back just to go pick up Kian's dumb ass. The phone rang three times before Sam actually answered with a yawn.

"Hello?" Sam mumbled into the phone.

"It's me Skye, sorry for waking you up but Kian needs me to pick him up and I need you to come with me please." I beg quietly.

"Yeah fine, but you'll have to drive. I'll give you my car keys I'm probably gonna sleep." Sam says yawning.

"I'll be there in like five minutes okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says, "I'll be waiting in the car." Sam says before hanging up the phone.

I stuff my phone in my sports bra that I was wearing under my shirt and get out of bed. I slip on my slippers before opening my bedroom door slowly. I knew that my parents were going to be asleep by now. They always go to bed at like eleven and I just have to hid Kian from the monster in the morning and everything will be fine I guess.

I sneak out of my bedroom and quickly went downstairs to the front door. Unlocking it before walking out slowly closing it behind me. Once the door was closed I ran to Sam's house seeing that he was only just now getting into the passenger seat of his car. I open the driver's side door of the car, getting in giving Sam a smile.

"Thank you for coming with me." I say.

"No problem, isn't that what friends do?" He asks handing me the car keys.

"Yeah, guess Kian isn't my friend then." I joke lightly, taking the keys from his and start the car before buckling myself up.

"No Kian is our friend, but he's the screw up friend. We all have that one friend." Sam says with a shrug, he was already buckled up.

"Okay well I'll wake you when we get there.." I say softly as I start down our street to where Kian is at.

The car ride was silent the entire time. I didn't want to turn the radio on or anything because I feel like that would keep Sam up and I didn't want to do that to him really. I would feel terrible if I kept him from sleeping.
His seat was leaned back a bit as he was curled up on the seat, his mouth was open a bit which made me smile to myself once I glanced over at him.
My hands became sweaty on the steering wheel as I drove, I just felt nervous. Would Kian yell at me for leaving the party without him or something? I know that I'm gonna yell at him for leaving me when he fucking said he wouldn't that's what made me angry he left me and he knows that I hate to be alone and shit like that it just pissed me off so much, like how could you do that to one of your friends that hates huge groups and just wants to be with you? It's bullshit that's what that is!

After a long time of driving we finally got the house that the party was at. The party was still going on you could hearing the music booming still. I pulled up to the curb and there was Kian sitting in the grass. He got up when he noticed me finally and came over to the car getting into the back seat in silence which I was quite surprised about. Usually when stuff doesn't go Kian's way he yells or just gets really mad and this obviously didn't go his way.. Maybe he just doesn't want to explode at me in front of Sam or even wake him up I don't know but it's freaking me out quite a bit to be honest.

We finally got back to Sam's house and I turned off the car waking up Sam.

"Sam we are back home." I say softly shaking him.

"Hmm?" Sam asks.

"We are home go back upstairs to your bedroom so you can sleep." I say unbuckling myself and getting out of the car. Kian also gets out of the car.

"I'll see you later Skye." Sam says as he gets out of the car heading to his door. After he gets inside Kian and I walk back to my house in silence. I'm still surprised that he hasn't yelled at me or I haven't yelled at me but that will happen later.



I'm so sorry that it's taken me so fucking long to update guys I feel terrible and I'll try and update more I promise.

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficWhere stories live. Discover now