Chapter 11

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After about ten minutes of standing under the water in the shower I finally got go drying myself off and getting changed into just some comfy clothes. I wasn't going anywhere with Sam anyways we were probably just gonna be staying here and watching movies or something.

I picked up my phone from the edge of the sink again checking for messages, seeing that I had one my heart raced as I checked who it was from. It wasn't from Kian like I wanted it to be it was from Ava instead just saying "Hey." I haven't talked to her ever since her breakup I just thought she needed time alone but I guess she wants to talk now. I can't wait till we can hangout again like old times and just talk and get all of our cares away and not go into a food coma that would be bad.

I answered back as I walked out of the bathroom, running into someone which I thought was Sam till I looked up seeing  Kian. I just thought to myself  'Oh my gosh a wild Kian appeared!'

"Uhh Hi Skye." he says to me with a little half smile.

"Hi." I looked over his face something looked different that was until I looked at his nose spotting his nose ring. "Did you just get that done?" I ask him and I go to touch it.

"Yes it hurts so don't touch it." Kian snaps at me as he swats my hand away.

"Sorry.." I say.

"Where's Samuel?" He asks in a British accent.

"Umm in the shower still I think?" I say raising my eyebrow at his accent.

"I had to I'm sorry." He chuckles as he starts towards Sam's bedroom.

"Don't worry about it Beaner." I say as I follow behind him, giggling.

We got to Sam's bedroom door which was closed, Kian didn't even bother to knock just walking it I quickly moved behind Kian hoping that Sam was clothed I closed my eyes just in case he wasn't.

"He's clothed Skye its fine." Kian chuckles.

"Sorry I just got done getting dressed." Sam said.

"Good." I mumbled as I poked my head out from behind Kian opening my eyes smiling softly at Sam.

"So what did you guys do while o was gone besides taking showers?" Kian asked and he went plopping onto Sam's bed.

"Swimming.. that's pretty much all." Sam says with a chuckle as he dried off his hair with a towel.

"Yeah what Sam said." I say with a smile as I sat next to Kian on the bed.

"So what are we doing the rest of th day?" Kian asked.

"Not really sure we could go out or something but we'd have to stop at my house first so I can look presentable." I said running my fingers through my hair to try and get some of the knots out. 

"Yeah we can go to the mall." Sam says. 

"Can I call Ava to bring her with? I can just tell her to go to my house then we can pick her up there." I say with a small smile.

"Yeah that sounds fine." Sam says with a nod of his head as he went into his bathroom before coming out a few seconds later.

"Okay give me a few minutes." I say, walking out of the bedroom and pull out my phone calling Ava.

*Phone Conversation*

"Hello?" I hear Ava's voice come through the phone softly.

"Hey Ava, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm okay I guess.." Ava says I hear her voice crack.

"Do you wanna go to the mall with me, Sam and Kian. Sam can be your date." I say with a small laugh.

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficWhere stories live. Discover now