Chapter 18

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Sam, Kian and I were sitting in IHOP for close to an hour just eating pancakes and laughing. It was nice to have my best friends back again and everyone being happy for once. After what happened yesterday I don't need anymore shit drama like that. These pancakes were pretty nice too, I have been starving. I even got done eating before the guys which is pretty shocking you know how much they eat. They could eat a whale and still be hungry knowing these two. 

After I hope we headed to the beach we could just hangout for a little while, I didn't want to go home and neither did they. It's not like we had anything else to do anyways. Sam parked the car and Kian was the first one out of the car stretching with a yawn. 

"Are you tired now?" I laugh, getting out of the car with Sam.

"Yes I'm actually tired, you know because food usually makes people tired you know." Kian says.

"Well no shit, I know that Kian." I roll my eyes, heading straight for the sand.

The guys followed behind me, Sam on my left side while Kian was on my right. We were just silent while we walked to the water, I actually enjoyed the piece and quiet for once. It wasn't awkward or anything either which was nice for a change. I stopped off at the water's edge, kicking off my shoes before picking them up holding them in my hand and I walked on the wet sand with a smile.

"Where are we going Skye?" Sam called to me as I walked. 

"Wherever are legs take us." I say, watching people as I walked. 

"Well wait for us!" Kian chuckled from behind me. I stopped and looked over my shoulder at them to see them taking off their socks and shoes holding them in their hands. 

"Well hurry up we don't have all day." I say with a chuckle starting to walk again. 

"Can't we just put our shoes in your bag Skye?" Sam whines, looking over at me with a pout.

I chuckle and nod my head, "Yeah sure why not, but I'm not stopping." I say continuing to walk. Sam walks behind me stuffing his socks and shoes along with Kian's in my bag. 

"Thank you." Sam says, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah you are the best." Kian says, kissing my other cheek.

"You both need to stop, I already know I'm the best." I chuckle.

"Cocky now aren't we?" Kian chuckles. 

"Yeah maybe just a bit." I say, moving a strand of hair behind my ear. Everyone besides the people around us going silent, I just smiled to myself listening to the sounds of the waves. I always loved the sound of the ocean it just sounds so beautiful and refreshing. I would just love to wake up to the sound of ocean waves and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one either. I closed my eyes as I walked, taking Sam's hand so that he could guide me. Knowing Kian he would probably throw me into the water which I would be pretty pissed if he even tried to do that. I know that one of these days I'm totally just gonna beat the shit out of him. He just is so loud and annoying sometimes and gets into so much trouble and then there's Sam, you don't see him going to parties and shit almost every night and ditching me. Nope Sam just loves to sleep which I'm totally fine with I could sleep all day and cuddle, even if it was with Sam. That's probably what our sleepover would have turned into since his parents don't really care if we share a bed, they are pretty cool about it and know that wouldn't try anything either. As we walked for what seemed like FOREVER I mean it seriously felt like that, but it was probably only like five minutes. My feet began to hurt and I opened my eyes looking down at them. 

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficWhere stories live. Discover now