Chapter 21

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I'm back guys sorry it's taken me so long to write and everything, since school's started I've been busy since I'm trying to get good grades and all because I want to get into a good college so expect really slow updates but I'm gonna try and update as much as I can.



Our drive to the beach was quite lovely, yep with Sam looking over at me about every two seconds with a goofy smile on his face was just fantastic. My hair was dripping wet too which didn't make things any better but Sam's was too so that's okay. After we finally got to the beach we parked a little ways away from the beach I don't really mind the walk. I'm actually surprised that Sam is actually gonna walk this far I mean why the hell would he park so far away he's super lazy. I didn't even bother asking questions, I just grabbed the beach bag out of the backseat before climbing out of the car.

"Jeez Skye hurry up." Sam whines, as he was already waiting at the front of the car for me.

"I'm sorry I take awhile." I say, closing the door and joining him at the front of the car.

"You aren't forgetting anything now are you?" He asked me with an eyebrow raised.

"No unlike you I can remember all my things." I say, beginning to walk. He runs to catch up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Sam what are you doing?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I'm hugging you cause I love you." He said.

"You're too much of a weirdo for me Sam, now can you let go of me?" I ask.

"You gotta say the magic word." He says.

"Please." I sigh, Sam lets go of me right away and starts walking faster in front of me.

"Now hurry up!" He chuckles, practically starting to run.

"Sam you can't run slow down!" I yell at him, chasing after him.

"You gotta catch me Skye!" He chuckled continuing to run.

"I swear Sam stop running!" I yell becoming out of breath and start walking. It's not like I can run in sandals anyways so why run anymore? Sam slowed down speed walking ahead of me.

"Come on Skye we're so close." He said, looking over his shoulder at me.

"Sam can you carry me?" I pout at him, shooting a cute little smile at him.

"Fine." He sighs, slowing down his pace of walking to a stop. I hop onto his back wrapping my legs around his waist tightly. I kept a tight grip on him doing my best not to fall off of his back or anything. He holds my legs before beginning to walk. "I'm glad that you're light Skye." He says with a chuckle.

"Yeah so am I then many people can carry me; but that might be bad if somebody was trying to kidnap me or anything." I say laughing.

"Yeah that may be a little bad but don't worry I won't let anyone steal you." He says protectively.

"Oh Sam my hero." I say sarcastically.

"Just accept it." He chuckles.

"I didn't say that I wasn't accepting it in the first place." I say.

"Well are you accepting it or not?" He asked.

"I'm accepting it because I love you." I say, laying my chin on his shoulder.

"Well I hope so." He says continuing to walk.

"Sam you walk really slow." I whine, pouting even though he can't see me I don't really care.

"Well it's a little hard with another person to carry." He says. 

"Well can you at least walk a little faster?" I asked, playing with his hair. 

"Yes ma'am." He said with a chuckle, beginning to walk faster.

"Thank you Sammy." I say, kissing his cheek laughing.

"No problem Skye." He says as we came upon the beach. "Our usual spot right?" Sam asked. 

"Yeah, our usual spot unless you wanna try somewhere different." I say, looking around. 

"Let's try something different, we can deal with change for the day." He says, beginning to walk on the sand looking fo a spot to sit for awhile. 

"I guess I can deal with one change." I say, trying to wiggle off his back. "I think I can walk now." I say, making Sam stop and let me down. 

"Really now you can walk?" He asked with a chuckle, I just nodded my head and walked ahead of him with a small smile on my lips. "Why are you walking so fast now?" He whined.

"This is my normal speed of walking Sam so I have no clue what you ae talking about." I say, looking over my shoulder at him. 

"I thought that you walked way slower." Sam said, trailing behind me he was already out of breath so I was just guessing that was from him carrying me and it's really hot too so that didn't help at all.

After awhile of wandering around we decided on a spot that was in the middle of people, I set down the bag that I was carrying before taking out two of the towels and laying them on the sand. I look around the beach as I begin to take off my shorts and shirt that were over my bikini. I stuff my clothes into our bag, looking up to see Sam holding his shirt out to me. I take his shirt with a small smile stuffing it into the bag with my clothes and everything else we needed.

"So are you ready to go swimming?" I asked him with a smile standing up straight 

"Yeah I'm ready!" He laughs, people were staring at him making me giggling quietly.

"Well let's go then." I say beginning to walk towards the water, we took off running to the water once we were out of the crowd of people. Of course Sam was the first one to the water, I was never a great runner I can't run fast or anything I'm so slow with my short legs. Sam runs into the water while I just stop at the waters edge. I walk in only going up to my knees, it's always scared me to go past my knees in the ocean. I don't wanna get attacked by a shark or anything, I don't care if that doesn't happen a lot but it could to me. I stand in the water watching Sam enjoy himself before he runs up to me. 

"Skye please come in further." He says with a pout. I shake my head, looking up at him.

"I'd rather not.." I say, biting my lip.

"Please? I'll hold your hand the entire time.." He says with an innocent smile. 

"Promise?" I ask hesistantly.

"Promise." He nodded, holding his hand out to me. I take his hand with a deep breath and he leads me a few steps further into the water. "If you want to stop just tell me." He says continuing to walk further. I just nod my head taking deep breaths, I was literally walking on top of Sam I was freaking out super bad inside.

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficWhere stories live. Discover now