Chapter 8

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I pulled Sam up to my bedroom biting my lip that bitch just got on my nerves all the time. How could my dad love a bitch like her? I always ask myself that but I could never come up with an answer to that. 

"Sorry about her she's just a bitch.. all the time." I say to him and lay across my bed with my feet hanging off.

"I know.. She'll get over it sooner or later." Sam says as he lays down next to me on his side.

"Yeah but I won't get over it Sam. I can't live with her telling me what I can't and can not do! She's not my mom. Maybe I should just move back in with my mom somehow.." I sighed staring at the ceiling.

 "No don't do that don't move back in with your mom!" he yelled as he hugged me close to his warm body

"I don't know if I can live with her any longer honestly.. I'm just tired of her bitchyness it doesn't help that shed pregnant either." I mumbled into his neck as I hugged him back.

"I know but just one more year and you can move in with Kian and me if you want. Kian is already looking for a apartment anyways." He said as he stroked my hair gently.

"I'll try and stay the rest of the year. Then we will all move in together."  I said looking up at him with a slight smile on my face.

"Thank you! I love you!" He smiles and presses his forehead against my forehead.

I giggle at his cuteness. "Your welcome but what if Kian moves in with like Connor or someone like Ricky or JC? Since they are coming to LA." I frown at him.

"Well than you and me will get an apartment." He says back.

"Don't bring any weird bitchy girls home." I chuckle punching his chest playfully.

"Don't bring home any jerk ass guys then." he laughs snorting.

I laugh at him snorting. I laugh so hard I hold my stomach. I probably look like a dying seal or something and I roll off the bed with a thud when I hit the ground which makes Sam laugh even more.

"Are you okay?" He asks I can tell that he's trying not to laugh.

"Yeah I'm good." I laugh slightly giving him a thumbs up.

I sit up and climb back onto the bed with Sam's help. I know it was only ten in the morning but I was super tired that chair was not as comfortable as you would think but I have to stay up I can't just fall asleep and just leave Sam here awake and wait for Kian. I leaned into Sam with my head against his shoulder and close my eyes it was hard to even keep them open. Sam's arms were wrapped around my waist loosely and I felt his lips press against my forehead. I can't help but smile he was just such a sweetheart besides what most people think he actually is and drift off into a deep sleep.

I wake up to Sam moving and open my eyes to see him removing his arms from around me. I don't even know how long I've been out I don't even remember falling asleep.

"Kian is here so I'm going to go downstairs and get your stuff. Go back to sleep." Sam said as he kissed my head getting out of my bed and walking out of my room. 

I sit up slowly crawling out of my bed and following out of my room and to the front door. Sam opened the door to see Kian with all my stuff that was left in my car. 

"Hey guys." Kian said with a slight smile just walking into the house closing the door behind him. 

"Hi Kian." I say smiling tiredly at him.

"Do you smell chicken?" Sam asks looking around smelling the air.

I look up at him chuckling, "Maybe the monster is cooking." I say to him.

"But it smells good." Kian says heading to the kitchen with Sam leaving my stuff at the door.

I roll my eyes at them and head upstairs to my bedroom with all my stuff just setting everything next to my bed before going and laying on it yawning. I knew that the boys would find me if they needed me. Monster was always nice to them she treated them like they were angels and I was a demon or something she liked all my friends and always has treated my friends better than she treats me but why do I care?

The boys walk in a few minutes later with fried chicken two plates full. I only like the monster for her food she was a good cook and I think that was the only thing I liked about her really. I sit up both Kian and Sam on the sides of me eating their chicken they were literally rubbing it in my face that they have food. I haven't eaten anything today yet I was starving I'm naturally a very hungry person I have to eat almost every hour like sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night just to eat.

A/N: Hey guys sorry it took me so damn long to update I've been bust with school and everything.

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora