Chapter 20

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Hey guys what's up? How are you all doing? I just wanted to apologize like usual about not writing and publishing. I've bad writers block and haven't been in the mood for writing but I would like to thank everyone that has been reading for almost giving this story 50,000 reads. I never thought from a year ago that I started writing this story that it would get nearly this many reads and how much people have really enjoyed it.



I woke up the next morning, cuddling up to Sam who was still asleep. I stretched a bit doing my best not to disturb him from his sleep. I barely remember what even happened last night, I just pretty much remember watching a movie and Sam falling asleep. I sat up slowly, scooting away from Sam to the other side of his bed. Quickly I fix my hair or at least try to before looking around for my phone. I move the sheets searching for it but with my luck I don't find it. Giving up I lay back down cuddling with Sam again. Laying my head on his chest I jut listen to his steady heartbeat, it just relaxes me so much.

After about twenty minutes of me laying there wide awake I feel Sam move his head with a quiet groan. I look up at him and see his eyes open slowly. His hair was all messed up since he does move a lot in his sleep it was always the most messed up thing when he slept. That boy could never stay still when he slept it was weird because I would sleep like a rock not moving or anything and my hair still gets messed up. Sam pulled me closer to him, kissing the top of my head. He wasn't a big talker right after waking up. He would usually just stay quiet for a good fifteen minutes before talking, it was his way of waking up.

"Morning Sam." I say quietly, resting my hin on his chest after I roll onto my stomach. He didn't say anything he just smiled at me. "How did you sleep?" I asked him, he just gave me a thumbs up. I chuckled softly at him. I just find it funny how after waking up it takes him so long to talk. I don't ask him anymore questions I just lay there nd wake for him to wake up fully. After about ten more minutes he finally starts to talk.

"What are we gonna do today?" He said quietly, looking down at me he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Umm I don't know what we're gonna do today." I said shrugging my shoulders, I really didn't know what we were gonna do today.

"Well do you wann stay here?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I said yawning softly.

"We could go swimming." He says sitting up. I just roll over stretching.

"Fine, that's sounds good to me anyways. Wait can we go to the beach?" I ask looking up at him.

"Yeah sure." He chuckled getting out of bed.

"No you are so warm, don't leave me!" I pout, rolling over to look at him.

"Fine." He chuckles just going and laying and on me.

"Sam you are gonna squish me." I pout looking at at him.

"Like a pancake." He giggled.

"Pancakes are nice." I said with a smile. "But I don't wanna be a pancake right now Sammy."

"But then I can eat you because pancakes are good." He nodded.

"I'm pretty sure that's cannibalism." I say, giving him a weird look.

"Yeah that's is.. I made my decision that I'm not gonna eat you because one that would be wrong and two Kian would kill me." He said with a small nod of his head before rolling off me. I just laugh at his answer, moving closer to him. I lay my head on his shoulder, draping my arm across his stomach.

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficWhere stories live. Discover now