Chapter 14

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A/N: So guys this chapter means that I have finally got tired of not writing this story and updating it for all of you amazing people to read. I haven't even written anything when it was on hold anyways so I thought that was just a huge waste of time to have it on hold and not write anything so... Its now taken off hold and I'll be updating maybe at least once or twice every week not really sure yet since on the 24th I will be starting soccer and I have homework and stuff so it will most likely be once a week.



We get to my house Kian just pulling into my driveway. We both got out of the car and headed to my front door. I opened the door nearly hitting my stepmonster with the door. Trying to stifle back my own laughter as she gave me the dirtiest look ever.

"Where have you been young lady?" She asks me raising an eyebrow at me and Kian.

"I've been at Sam's where else would I be?" I ask with my eyebrows raised at her.

"You could be out in the world dying or something." She snaps at me. 

"You don't have to worry about that, I'm not that stupid to get killed or something like that." I say with a roll of my eyes, I looked over my shoulder and see Kian standing there awkwardly just looking around.

"Pity." She says under her breath with a smile forming on her lips.

"Fuck you." I mumble and move past her bringing Kian with me. I quickly go up to my room leading Kian as fast as I could doing my best not to trip up the stairs or anything. 

We get upstairs to my bedroom, Kian instantly goes over to my bed and lays on it getting comfortable. 

"Don't get too comfortable what the hell am I suppose to wear to a party?" I ask him.

"Whatever you want." He says, rolling onto his stomach watching me. 

"You are such a big help." I say sarcastically, closing my bedroom door. 

"I try to be." He says with a smirk. 

"Don't be a smartass." I snap at him, rolling my eyes and walk over to my closet. "Dress or no?" I ask him looking over my shoulder.

"No dress, we could wear nothing." He says winking at me. 

"I'm wearing clothes, I don't want to get too much attention from the guys." I state to him, going through the clothes in my closet.

"Just wear whatever you want." He responds with a shrug of his shoulders. 

"You just need to shut up because you aren't helping Kian." I chuckle taking a few shirts out of my dresser after searching through my entire closet. I hold the shirts up to my body one by one to see which one goes best with the denim shorts that I was wearing right now. I found the perfect red one and just took my shirt off since I was wearing a tanktop under it and slid on the new red one making it look okay on me before I go to the bathroom to touch up on my makeup.

"You don't need to put makeup it's fine Skye!" Kian shouts from the other room, I sigh and come out from the bathroom not applying anymore makeup just thinking that I would at least listen to him for this. "Are you ready yet?" He groans. 

"Yes I'm done don't worry." I sigh, looking in the mirror just fixing my hair a bit.

"Skye stop messing with your hair you look perfect." He says, getting off my bed. He comes up behind me hugging me around the waist from behind putting his chin on the top of my head smiling at me. I smile at him softly in the mirror slapping his arms lightly before getting out of them.

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficWhere stories live. Discover now