Chapter 5

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Kian smiles and caresses my face and strokes my cheek with his thumb. He looking into my eyes and I look back into his beautiful eyes and smile. He starts to close his eyes and move his face closer to mine. He goes in for a kiss his lips being inches from mind and I start to tense up. I push his face away from mine and stand up "I can't do this Kian.." I walk out of the bedroom and walk downstairs and go outside over to my skateboard and start to skate home texting Sam saying "Sam I need to talk to you now meet me at my house." I shove my phone in my pocket and skate the rest of the way to my house.

I get to my house and I see Sam sitting on my front step of my house. I smile slightly and slide my board into the grass. I walk towards him and he stand up fixing his hair "Hey Skyebear what did you need to talk to me about?" I pull him into a hug putting my face into his chest just wanting to listen to his heartbeat for a while. I remove my face from his chest and look up at him "Kian tried to kiss me Sam.." I bite my lip saying to him. Sam looks down at me and raises an eyebrow, "He did what?!" He yelled at me. "You heard me Sam, he seriously tried!" I yell back. I feel his arms tense up around me and look up at him and he looks back down at me and loosens his arms around me and finally let's me out of his arms finally and I stop hugging him.

"Sorry about that Skye.." He says looking down at the ground.

"Why are you sorry you didn't do anything to make this happen Sam." I say hitting his side with my hand lightly.

"Owie!" Sam yells sort of quietly and jokingly.

I shake my head at him giggling "You're so stupid Sam." I roll my eyes and say jokingly.

He kisses my forehead and laughs then pretends to act hurt "You corn hole!" He just bursts out laughing and I laugh with him not minding the kiss to the forehead it's friendly it didn't mean anything, or at least I think that it didn't. Well I hope it didn't mean anything.. but their is a slight feeling in me that wanted Kian to kiss me and maybe even have Sam kiss me their lips just look amazing and they are just as sexy as fuck. I snap out of thinking and I feel lips press against mine and I close my eyes not being able to help it and kiss back.

I feel lips move from mine and I open my eyes slowly seeing Sam smiling at me looking into my eyes I look back into his for a second and break away quickly.

"Why is everyone trying to kiss me?!" I yell at him just pissed off.

He sighs looking down at his feet, "I'm sorry Skye I really am.." He says sounding upset.

"Please just go Sam.." I go and walk into my house slamming the door behind me.

I run upstairs to my bedroom just wanting to get my mind off of everything today I start to edit my video that I recorded earlier and text my other best friend Ava while I'm editing telling her about every single thing that happened.

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to write this and I will be adding some more when I think off it. I'm also busy with soccer and everything I'll try and update when I can.

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficWhere stories live. Discover now