Chapter 17

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I opened my front door slowly, holding it open for Kian in silence. He walked in without saying a word instantly heading upstairs to my bedroom. That's where I would have to hide him from my parents if he was asleep in my living room or anything my parents would see him right away and I would be the one to be yelled at and be in even deeper shit. I closed and locked my front door and followed Kian upstairs to my bedroom. 

"I'm sorry." He says, laying across my bed on his back.

"You should be sorry." I say, closing my bedroom door.

"I'll make it up to you I promise." He says, sitting up and watching me.

"Whatever you say Kian, now get on your side of the bed." I mumble, I always have to sleep on the right side of the bed it's just a habit I have. 

Kian moves to the left side of the bed, kicking off his shoes to the side of my bed. I lay down on my side, taking my phone out of my sports bra finally setting it on my nightstand next to my bed. I go under my blankets rolling onto my side so I don't have to look at Kian. I just closed my eyes trying to go to sleep. My eyes shot open when I feel his arms around my waist and he pulls me close to him. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask him, looking over my shoulder at him.

"Cuddling?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Whatever, just don't try anything or I will smack you." I assure him, closing my eyes again trying to get comfortable in his arms. 

It only takes Kian five minutes to fall asleep he was out like a light but I just couldn't fall back asleep. I roll over in his arms, laying my head on his bicep gently. I kinda just liked the smell of his colonge as I tried to sleep. I finally fell asleep after awhile of laying awake.

I woke up to Kian moving, the sun was finally peeking through my blinds but they blocked out most of the sunlight. 

"Morning." He mumbles, kissing my forehead before he yawns. 

"Morning." I say, curling up to him my eyes falling closed again. I just felt super tired still could I just lay in bed all day with Kian today?

"What time is it?" He asks me.

"Let me check." I say, rolling over reaching for my phone. Checking the time it said 10:25. I show him the time.

"Thank you." He says with a small smile.

"No problem." I say, setting my phone back down stretching a bit. "Why did you leave me at the party?" I asked him.

"I thought you were following me, then you were gone. I looked around for you but I couldn't find you anywhere." He says, I could see in his eyes that he was telling the truth.

"Well I had a nice tour of the house." I say with a small chuckle.

"It's better when not a bunch of people are in it." He says, yawning again.

"I bet." I say, "Do you want coffee or something?" I ask him, sitting up his arms were wrapped around my waist tightly.

"Yes please." He says smiling up at me. 

"Well you gotta let go of me." I say, wiggling out of his arms and out of bed.

I poke my head out of my bedroom door and look to see if my dad or almost step-monster were up. I didn't smell food or coffee so I was just taking a shot in the dark that they were out or something.

"You can come with me Kian?" I say looking over my shoulder nearly having a heart attack as he was already standing there. "Okay no scaring me." I say opening my door more and walk out. 

We head downstairs in the kitchen and I start to make coffee. Kian sat on the counter top just looking around in silence which I was fine with I guess. I didn't really mind the silence I should probably call Sam later to see if he wants to come over or whatever. It's the least I can do for him after ditching him for that party but then I came back so that might be all that he needs? I'm not really sure it just seems right to have him come over so he can hangout with me.

"Do you want food?" I ask Kian as we wait for the coffee to finish brewing.

"Yeah what do you got?" He asks.

"Kian you don't even have to ask you are here all the fucking time how do you not know what the hell kind of food we have in this house by now?" I ask with a laugh.

"I don't know maybe your parents went grocery shopping or something." He shrugs, hoping off the counter heading towards the fridge.

"Wait!" I yell, Kian jumping turning around giving me a look.

"What?" He asks.

"We will go out for breakfast and bring Sam with, it's better and I don't want to wash even more dishes anyways." I say with a smile. 

"Sounds good to me, go and get dressed and call Sam. I'll watch the coffee." Kian says. I nod and head up to my bedroom quickly. I call Sam first he answering right after the first ring.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Hey Sam. I was wondering if you want to go out for breakfast with Kian and I?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, that sounds fine. Should I meet you guys at your house?" He asks.

"Yeah and don't forget your car." I say.

"One thing that I won't forget." He says.

"See you soon." I say before hanging up and quickly get ready. I don't want them to wait for me and Kian needs to fix his hair and brush his teeth. We don't want him to look like an attractive hobo. Is there even a such thing of a attactive hobo? 

"Kian!" I call from my room. "Get your ass up here and get ready!" I call again as I finish getting ready. I walk out of my bathroom nearly plowing over Sam. "Sorry Sam!" I say.

"Don't worry about it." He says with a chuckle, going and sitting on my bed. "You let Kian sleep with you?" He asks, looking at the blankets on both sides of my bed being messed up.

"Yeah I'm not making him sleep on the floor that's mean." I say as Kian walks into my bedroom heading straight to my bedroom to get ready. I'm just letting him use my mouthwash it's not like he has everything here. There's not enough room in my bathroom for that. 

After a few minutes Kian is finally done getting ready and we head downstairs and out to Sam's car. Sam's finally driving today and I get the passenger seat today while Kian gets the back all time himself. He doesn't deserve the passenger seat anyways for yesterday also he offered the front seat to me so I get it. That's one offer I will not turn down, the back makes me car sick anyways and nobody wants me puking in the back of their car now do they? This car ride wasn't awkward for once, we actually had the radio on and we were jamming just like we always use to do which I loved. I just want our friendship to be like it was before and not like how it is now where they are fighting over me. I hate that they fight over me, I never wanted any of this to happen. I'm not the type of girl people like I'm usually the second choice anyways so I don't get why they like me anyways. 

If I would have to choose one of them to date I wouldn't choose any of them. I know them too well and what happens if we break up? Then we pretty much ruined are friendship that's not what I want to happen at all. I don't know who would want that to happen where they date their best friend and then beak up and they ruin their entire friendship that they have worked so hard on just to keep it going and all the memories that they have made together. If I chose one the other will get hurt like if I choose Sam what will Kian think? He'll probably be pissed at both of us that's why I don't want to choose between them. Okay now back to the real thing about our car ride.

It only took us about ten minutes to get to an IHOP you know where those one legged waitresses work. Yeah that's not funny at all it's just a joke Kian told me once. I could not look at one of those waitresses the same way again honestly which seems pretty bad but I just imagine them hopping around which would be pretty funny and scary at the same time. 

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