Buzz unsolved

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Hello Buzzfeed Unsolved: Goatman (BOTH) (NO MAG) (Demon! Shane and Ricky). (Mei and Zoé fight) (Mei and Ryan will get together)
Exposition: Drives to California
Rising Action: meet the boys just like on the street and next meet at Shane's bridge and Mei makes fun of Goatman (Question for Lance: Would Goatman be a kin of Astaroth because Astaroth kind of looked like a goat in Ep1. Though I know it was a minotaur.) (Zoé is very scared) ['Oh I believe in him. I'm just not that scared']. Mei gets possessed by Goldsworth. Shane realizes the necklace that Zoé is wearing has crystallized blue flames and confronts her about it.
Climax: realize possession and Zoé exorcises Ricky though he goes back to Ryan
Falling Action: Mei and Zoé fight, Zoé goes back to Ao No Exorcist. Mei and Ryan goes on a small date, Mei and Ryan have an almost first kiss, and Ryan helps Mei realize she needs Zoé
Resolution: Mei leaves and goes to find Zoé

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