Chapter 2: The First Universe

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It was a regular Tuesday. I was sitting in my normal spot in the back corner of the library reading up on mythology as I had a project due that week. I had looked up just to stretch my neck and I saw a girl with reddish brown hair come to the corner.

"Hello," I say

"Hi, I guess I'm not the only one who comes to this corner I guess," this mysterious girl said.

"Yup I come here on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I'm Zoé by the way," I extend my hand to be shaken.

"Mei, Mei Redd,"

"What type of books do you like?"

"Poetry, dark and depressing poetry." Mei said nonchalantly.

"Well since you're here I'm going to leave, but hey in case you want to hang out here's my number. I could use a friend. I'm kinda a loner. See you later Mei." I say giving her a piece of paper with my number.

"Bye Zoé."

*Flashback end*

"AHHHH. THERE'S A ROOF! IT IS GETTING CLOSER!" I screamed and then I just phased through the roof and landed in what looks like a library.

"Oh my Ra it's a person!" I heard someone say, I could tell it was a girl and she sounded somewhat british. I looked up after making sure I wasn't seeing stars and saw a girl standing over me, she had blonde hair with purple streaks. I got up and almost smacked my head against the girls.

"Uh, who are you and how did you fall into the library?" She asked, starting to get annoyed.

"Um, I was with a friend and we're some chosen people who have to save the world and 'make things right' and... wait... what am I wearing?" I looked down and saw that I was wearing an orange t-shirt with jeans and combat boots. But then I remembered the girl in front of me, "Oh, I'm Zoé by the way. Wait, where's Mei?"

Just then I heard someone, a guy, scream from another room, "SADIE! You might want to come see this!"


I crashed into this mansion and thankfully I landed on a bed, unfortunately the bed was being occupied by someone playing Mario Kart. "What the-"

The guy was about my age. He was shorter than me though, I am 6 foot after all but this guy was maybe 5'7 with blonde hair and light brown eyes. I jumped off the bed and instantly almost fell over, I was wearing heeled combat boots, I looked down and saw that all my clothes were new. I had black ripped jeans and a black crop top with a white button up over it. I turned and looked back at the boy in a FNAF t-shirt, "Um, who are you?"

"Sorry about that I'm kind of new to this um I'm-"

"Falling through people's roofs?"

"No dimension hopping. I'm Mei, I was sent by some ethereal being to save the world or something like that. Wait... where's Zoé?"


"The person I was sent with. Where am I anyway?"

"Uh, I should probably take you Sadie," The guy walked over to his door and yelled down the hall for this Sadie. He then looked back at me and said, "I'm Cody by the way. Now come on, let's figure out why you're here."


When we heard yelling, Sadie led me out of the library. Once in the hall I saw a group of people all looking for the person who yelled for Sadie. Two people pushed through the crowd, a short blonde kid and... "Mei!?"

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