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Supernatural: Season 13 (Both)
(DESTIEL) "You're not Satan you're just a Demon king. Along with azael, Mephisto aka Samael, Iblis, Egyn, Astroth, Amaimon, Beelzebub you're just the oldest." "No one should know that, how do you know that?" "It's alright Luci"
When the girls show up: Zoe to Luci- "I threw a fireball at you once."
"Yeah, that was a low blow. I was in a sick bed."
"You're a demon. It's my job to kill you."
Luci to Mei- "And you... are you proud of yourself?!? Mephy will not stop spamming the family group chat because of you! Also Ms. Orion congrats on getting my half brother to date you."
Exposition : Zoé falls on Dean and Mei falls on the impala, Mei and Zoe explain why they are there and they meet Jack (tecniqually Rin's nephew) and Castiel and Mei become friends.
Rising Action: Lucifer comes to visit and the Mei and Zoe get stuck in the alternate universe ("So were in an alternate universe of an alternate universe")
Climax: Mei and Zoe fight the angels, Zoe feels really bad about it.
Falling Action: They get out of the alternate universe and Mei gets advice from Roweana, Lucifer and Micheal come for the WInchesters and they steal Jack's grace.
Resolution: Mei and Zoe have to leave and not participate in the final battle of S13

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