Chapter 3: Nameless Pharaoh

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We turned around and saw...

"Cody?" Sadie said with surprise.

Cody walked further into the library, "I'm descended from Pharaoh Seth."

"Okay... so that means you're descended from the Nameless Pharaoh! We need your permission to look at the records!" Sadie said, throwing her arms in the air. Cody put his hands up like he was getting arrested.

"Uh... yeah sure. But if you're not finding anything here, maybe you should go to Cairo. Amos should probably have the records somewhere."

With that, Sadie, Cody, and I ran out of the room and went to find Carter. We found him sparring with Mei, and it seemed my red-haired friend was winning. "Carter!" Sadie called to end the fight, Carter held up a hand in yield and walked over to the benches to get some water, "What... is it... Sadie?" He said in between deep breaths.

"We found something out about the Nameless Pharaoh. We have permission from one of the descendants and we're heading to Cairo." She said, very excited.

"Who's the descendant?" Mei asked, taking a drink out of her bottle. Cody raised his hand gingerly and Mei did a spit take. "Alright... wasn't expecting that. But, I'll go with you."

"By the way, Carter, aren't you supposed to be the future Pharaoh if so. Then why did you get your butt handed to you by someone who hasn't been trying as long as you?" I ask him. He then blushes in embarrassment.

With that we went to the nearest obelisk and traveled to Cairo. Let's just say I looked out of place. Literally no one there had any type of dyed hair except for Sadie. We then got taken to the Chief Lector who so happened to be their uncle.

"Unky Amos!" Sadie yelled.

"Sadie I'm sure you got this talk from your father don't call important people nicknames"

Everyone in the room laughed as Sadie got scolded. Then it looked like Amos was being possessed.

"What are you two doing back here. I thought for sure you-" he points to Mei and I, "would never come back after what happened last time," 'Amos' said

"What do you mean this is our first time in this or any universe besides our own." I tell him. He had a look of realization on his face. Sadie then asked him for the records of the nameless pharaoh. He then asks for proof that we have the consent of a descendant. Cody stepped forward and told Amos that he had given them permission. We were then lead to the library.




This library would keep Mei and me busy for at least a year. I ran around it like a kid in a candy store. We started looking for information on the Pharaoh. While Cody was climbing a ladder he slipped and fell, but not before grabbing a shelf trying to catch himself. Not much of a surprise the shelf came down with him. On the top on the pile was a book that had something about the Nameless Pharaoh written on the cover. Sadie picks it up. And skims through it.

"UGH!!! There is nothing in here, or in any of the records. It's like — it's like all of the records were removed that involve his name. Wait! Carter get me a book on spells!" Sadie states, "NOW!"

With that Carter ran out of the room. I continued to look around, Mei found a box and took something out of it. I'll talk to her about that later as Carter just came with the book Sadie asked for. As soon as he gave her the book Sadie flipped through it.

"Nothing in here!" She yelled

"Sadie, could I look? In my universe I'm known as the best analyzer in my school," I offered

"She is the best, trust me!" Mei yells across the room.

With that Sadie hands me the book. I understood the hieroglyphs. Oh my, his name was used as a spell. I relay the facts to them. Sadie finds this fact interesting, but then Cody was all ready to go back to Brooklyn. Sadie decided that we should head back to the 21st Nome. Tomorrow I have to head back to camp to do more training with Percy and I think Clarisse is going to help me also. Though the prophecy is still haunting me. I am nervous of what or whoever is pulling the strings has something planned and I don't know if we can handle it.

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