Chapter 30: what happened to us?

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I woke up to this numbness like every other day. I woke up to run to the trash can and threw up. Hanna and the girls all walked in my room. They grabbed my hair and watched me throw up. They asked if I was okay. "No of course not. I'm not fine. I'm never going to be fine again. I don't wanna live. He was my only reason to live. Now that he's A and exposed and I gave myself up to him and that he used me and never loved me and is in love with ali all broke me don't you see!?" "What!?" Emily shouted. "Check my messages from A." I said as I got up to sit on my bed. Spencer hugs me I don't know what to say: I just sauntered staring at the wall. With my arms down. "You aren't sitting here like this. It's graduation then you can finally leave and have your start over you always wanted." They said. "No cant you see I don't wanna leave ezra was suppose to be who I was going to start over with. I'm in love with him and I always will be. He was my first love. I thought Sam was but he wasn't ezra opened my eyes to show me what love was. I never realized how easily our relationship could be ended. But hey you know your right I should forget this. It's just a heart break right? Here I'll wipe my tears and get ready. Who waste to do my hair?" They all looked around confused and sat me down to Start my hair and makeup. Once they finished mine they all did there own and put on their dresses as did I. I took one final look on the mirror and realized I'm leaving tomorrow. I don't want to think about him being A for another second or why I'm still here in that matter. I looked in the mirror and saw a little girl looking back at me the little girl who believed in fairy tales and prince charming a and happy endings she was sad. It was me. I'm not proud of who I was anymore. I walked away and walked down the stairs as cameras flashed and I saw a lot of my family all in tears seeing me. I didn't say much. I just walked out into the car with my friends and headed to our graduation. Once we got there we got our caps and gowns out of the trunk put them on and went and got in our order. I realized Sam was one person in front of me. He kept staring at me but I ignored him.

EZRAS POV: I wanted to fix everything. Aria thinks I'm A. All I was doing was being a reporter. That Id do anything to get to the bottom of the story. I can't let her leave me forever after today without knowing if she still cares.

I heard Sams name called and then the girl in front of me now it's my turn. I walk out of the curtain and walk on that stage I still see Sam standing on stage and not in his seat clapping for me. I look out to see ezra staring at me clapping. I wanted to hug him so badly. Once I shook the principals hand he held me on stage and grabbed the microphone. "Now I know this is weird but this was a special request by one of the brightest smartest and talented young men here at rosewood so I couldn't refuse. Aria please stay up here. Would you?" The principal said. I was confused I saw ezra staring deeply at me. When I look at him I see happiness and not the bad. His claps stop and smile drops. I see him get up and walk away as I turn around to see Sam on one knee. "Aria, I loved you once and I'll love you again. I still care for you and always will. I can't let you leave without knowing how much I care for you after today. Will your marry me..?" Sam said
"I... I... I look out to see ezra standing in the very back and as much as I wished and thought it was ezra the words spoke from my mouth..."

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