Chapter 35: who would've known

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I walked around this small part of the city. It felt opened and safe. Something I haven't felt in awhile especially knowing A is still alive and is still watching me. Aria thinks I'm A but I'm not and she'll never know that. I just can't let her know.

It was Sam. Samuel Ryan Edward hemming. Someone I once loved and grew very fond of now. I don't think I'll ever have deep feelings for him once again or as deep as the feelings a had for ezra. He asked if I wanted to go out for the day before the party tonight. It was the last party before school starts and first party I've gone to with Sam as my soon to be boyfriend once more maybe? I don't know if we're official but he talks and acts as if we are. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it considering I still have the ring he bought on my finger that I'm not really sore why I haven't removed. I told him yes for an hour or two because I was meeting up with some friends to have lunch. He seemed okay with it. He came in my dorm say on my bed as I went and got changed in front of him. He put his arms around me and rocked me back and forth and kissed my neck and told me how lucky he was to have a second chance and to make it right. I didn't know what to say so I laughed and pushed him off me and finished getting dressed as I heard his little jokes "maybe we should be undressing instead." He makes me laugh a lot. Something I haven't had in awhile but something I don't like doing especially because the smile and laugh is all just a lie. I finished my hair and makeup and we were on our way. Me and Sam hung out around the town for about two hours and then he left because my friends were suppose to meet me down here just for all them to cancel.
I sat inside this coffee shop thinking this is how I met ezra this is where we both once fell for eachother. Here I am 3 and a half months still not over him. I got my coffee to go and was on my way. I just thought about ezra as I drank my coffee. I thought I saw ezra then my mind went bazar and I saw every person that I looked at and walked past as him. I sat down and took a breathe and went on my way.

I decided to get a few new things for my apartment and get a cup of coffee. I got my coffee was on my way and I saw this petite young lady with long blonde hair with Carmel highlights. Her hair flowed just as arias use to. Her style reminded me all of the girl I still love. I saw the girl take a seat on the bench I decided to walk past her to see her face just for her to have it down. I was crazy to think it was her but my did I think it was. I still wish she had her face up just so I could check. Ha who would've known I would have seen someone that looked just like her.

I soon got a unknown number text "two men one town one ring oh my. -A" I was confused and freaked out knowing ezra was back to his old ways and possible he is going to find me.

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