Chapter 7: in his arms

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I left aria in that bathroom im tired of feeling like this I need to admit it. I fell for her. I can't stand to see another guy with her.

I began to remember what ezra said to me before he left as I laid on the cold hard floor. I didn't deserve him. I missed the sound of his voice. It was the loudest thing in my head. And I ache to remember all the violent sweet things he said to me to make me fall for him. I couldn't move. I heard the door open. I heard someone yelling. It was ezra he paced back and forth like he didn't see me. He was yelling "why'd i let her go. I need to find her." "I'm right here ezra" I said as tears were streaming down my face. He turned and faced me. His eyes began to water. "Who did this to you?" He asked. "Sam" I said. "Aria im so sorry I shouldn't have let him take you away" he said as he helped me up. I looked him dead in the eyes and said "I don't ever want to hear you say your sorry again" I kissed him like I never had before. Suddenly my lips didn't feel so numb. My body didn't hurt so much. I didn't mind the blood so much anymore. I pulled away and he hugged me tighter than ever. It didn't hurt I wanted to go home but maybe home is nothing but two arms holding you tight when you're at your worst. I asked ezra not to let me go home. He invited me to his place. He carried me out to the car bridal style and laid me in the car as gently as possible. Tears were streaming down my face. Once he got in he saw them. He wiped them away. We drove to his apartment. He carried me up the stairs and helped me get cleaned up. He got a first aid kit and some medicines and some clothes for me to wear. He cleaned the blood and the cuts I heard him say "this is going to hurt" referring to the peroxide but nothing hurt because he eased the pain away hours ago. I felt nothing but butterflies. He asked if I needed help to the bathroom to get changed. I replied "no" he goes to put it all up to find me changing in his living room. I didn't freak out. I found him smiling I smiled back. I got dressed and he came and picked me up and carried me to his bed. He walked towards the couch as if that's were he was going to sleep. I asked "where are you going ezra?" "To bed aria" he said. "Oh I just thought you'd sleep with me I feel safe when your near." I said. "Of course" he said. He lays down next to me and turns the opposite way. I wanted him to curl up next to me but I think he was Shy. I decided to be the man and put my arms around him and curl up next to him. I heard him laughing. I flipped over because I don't like laying on that side. He flipped over as well I scooted him closer and put his arms around me because I felt safe in his arms.

I woke up the next day not knowing where I was or what I was doing there. I was sleeping in someone's yard. My hand hurt and my head hurt. I tried getting up but I guess I jumped up to fast to find myself getting sick in the neighbors trash can. I realized I was one house away I guess I just didn't make it. I don't remember anything last night. I remember seeing aria before I got drunk but I don't think we talked that night. I went home took some medicine and got in the shower.

I woke up in the morning feeling the best I've ever felt. I felt around to find ezra gone. He wasn't in bed. My stomach was starting to growl so I decided to make me and ezra breakfast for when he gets back. I'm cooking on the stove as I feel two arms wrap around my waist and rock me back and forth.

When I woke up I tried to be as quiet as possible I didn't want to wake aria so I got up quietly and went to take a shower. I think I heard aria get up as I'm getting out. I left my clothes on the couch. I walked out with a towel around my waist. I saw aria cooking in the kitchen but I couldn't help but sneaking up behind her and holding her. "It smells terrific!" I said. She said "I thought you had left for awhile." She turned to me wrapped her arms around me and put her head on my chest.

He's so warm. Does he realize he didn't put on his clothes I thought? So I laughed and asked. "Oh yeah I'll be right back" he said he went to his dresser and grabbed something I don't know what. He came out of the bathroom in his boxers saying "close your eyes sorry I forgot my clothes on the couch haha" I laughed but I didn't close my eyes. I continued to cook and once it was done I placed two plates on the table for the each of us. After I was done eating I asked if he could drop me off somewhere. He responded "of course." I had him drop me off at Hannas where my car was I kissed his cheek and he left. I got in my car and backed out and left. I drove home wondering when my parents were going to be home I didn't mind. I called my mom I asked when they'd be home she said "in 4 days were having a lovely time sorry hunny" i laughed and hung up. I called mike to see where he was he was staying at his friends for the weekend so I was home alone. I just didn't feel safe. So I got dressed and cleaned up my face and left for awhile. I just drove forever. I went home but I was scared again. I called ezra "can you come stay with me or get me I don't feel safe here" "on my way are you okay!? Send me your address. Pack some clothes for a day or two!" He said. I ran to my room and packed for a good week. As I came downstairs i saw a shadow in the back window I shut all the lights off I saw ezra pull up I locked the house and ran to his car.i threw my bag in the back he then backed out and drove off. I thought a car was following us all the way till Ezras apartment but the car disappeared. As I got out of Ezras car I looked around to make sure no one was following us. Ezra grabbed my bag and put me on his back and carried me up stairs. He's so sweet. I quickly fall asleep on Ezras bed. Once again I wake up to find ezra gone where did he go? I checked the bathroom because that's all he could've went to. Maybe he went to get food. I sat on the couch and her a loud knock on the door. I walk over to it and open it. it was Sam...

When I look at you Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt