Chapter 50: the end

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I woke up and ran to the bathroom. I was sick and I thought it'd all go away by now. Ezra came in and asked if I was okay. "Yeah yeah babe I'm fine." "Aria you haven't been fine I know you've been getting sick before you even left California. Maybe you should go to the doctors. I'll take you." "I don't want to ruin this weekend. I can wait. I'm fine." "Aria no I promised I'd make sure your ok through sickness and health." He chuckled "seriously let's go. Besides we'll have plenty of time for us." He smirked and picked me up and carried me to the car. "You know you really are an amazing person right?" I said. "He smiled and grabbed my hand in the car "not as amazing as you." And kissed my hand. I smiled I grabbed my stomach because it hurt. He rushed me into the hospital. After 5 hours of waiting for tests I finally knew what has been wrong with me for the past month. I'm pregnant. I stared to cry because I was happy but wasn't at the same time because I didn't know if ezra was ready. I finally walked out of the room. "Is everything ok?" I broke down in his shoulders. "No I'm pregnant." His eyes lit up "I'm so sorry. So sorry. This is all my fault." "Aria stop stop calm down. I did this to you. There's nothing to be upset about. Look at me. We're having a baby. It'll be okay. It'll all be okay. I promise." "I love you ezra. Promise you'll still love me when I'm fat." "Aria I'll always love you. come here and let me hold you." he laughed

**9 months later**

"keep pushing aria" ezra said as he squeezed my hand "im trying" i screamed i couldnt see my eyes were going out of focus and i feeling sick and i was feeling the pain of it coming. i was hot and felt like giving up. I heard the doctors yelling "shes not going to make it. its her or the baby. she going on concious." i heard ezra screaming "Save her. save her please." he cried I pulled ezra close "listen to me no matter what. save the baby and ypull always have a piece of me with you. i love you and i want you to love her as much as you did me. take care of her ezra i love you." i held his face once more as i whispered "im sorry." "no, no shes not gone please... please" "its a miracle" i heard and thats all I remember.

******12 months later******

Today I'm home on a Sunday just woke up its 11:30 am I woke up next to the love of my life. I made some coffee and pancakes and fixed a baby bottle and realized everything was going to be alright. the smartest thing i ever did was make her all mine. I saw Aria walk downstairs with the baby and laid her down in the crib. She walked over to be wrapped her arms around my neck "when I look at you... I can't help but smile you know that?" I said as she laid her good morning kiss on me. I thought to myself sometimes you pray for one miracle in your life and sometimes you end up with two. Two beautiful ones you'd never let anything hurt. Aria and Vanessa, nessa for short were my miracles in life.

so heres how it goes I went through some rough times in my life. You have to push through it because the best days await because here I am in my own house. With my husband and child. I look back and wonder how I made it but I did. I'm here to say the nightmares do end. Your heart does heal and you move on. Your stomach stops forcing you to throw up it soon changes to butterflies and makes you fall in love again. You forget the past eventually and learn from it. That's why I'm so lucky to be Aria fitz. Everyday is better than the last with him. We are given this life for many reasons find yours and maybe you'll just pull out a miracle with no odds due to your never ending love. I looked at ezra for a hard minute while my arms were still around him. "You know when I look at you I fall in love all over again?"

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