Chapter 41: our new beginning

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"I thought we agreed we wouldn't call me that?" "Your right. God I've just really missed you Aria." "I've missed you too ezra. And I don't want to ever lose you again. I lost myself trying to find you. I can't imagine my life without you but how can we hide this?" "I want you in mine too. You don't have to we'll figure something out as long as we're what you want." He said "Of course this is what I want. Ezra it's always been you and always will be." I said as I pulled myself close to his chest to feel his warm embrace. I told him I needed to go and I went to my dorm. I walk in to hearing the words "where have you been!? I've been worried sick! I thought you got lost! Sams looking for you! Find him! He's worried!" "I'm fine Kate really. Just need to leave for awhile." I didn't expect her to be there so I decided to go to park and sit and call Spencer. The phone rang and rang she finally picked up "hello?" "Hey spence I..." Just to hear the voicemail. I sat there for about ten minutes until she finally called back. "So sorry. What's up Aria?" "I have so much to tell you and I can't believe it. I gave him another chance. "Ezra!? The guy who manipulated us for months and tried killing us? Aria I can't believe you." "No Spencer wait he's not A." I tried getting the words out just for her to click the phone off and end the call. I sat here for a long while until Spencer called back. "Look im sorry for freaking out I just didn't want to hear about your romance life because mines officially over." "Why what happened between you and Toby?" "Nothing just we lost connection. Just look I kissed a guy and A snapped a picture and sent it A as in ezra that's why I was so upset. Also he hurt you and lied and hurt all of us and fried killing us." "Spencer EZRAS not A. He was writing a book. A true crime book. He just wanted to get to the bottom of his story. I need to talk to him and make sure this is what I want again." "He wasn't A....?" "No spence. A is still watching our every move even though we're in 3 different states between us girls." I didn't hear Spencer say anything I heard her choke up and say "I'll call you later.. I have to go im sorry." She hung up and sounded really upset I just didn't know why.

Truth is I didn't kiss another guy. At prom Toby had to work his shift at the police department and I had no date. Johnny decided to escort me and be my date. Well later on that night Toby showed up and found me at the lunch table and told me I was more important than his job and that he wants to spend his life with me so bent on one knee "will you marry me?" I didnt tell any of the girls. I said no that I couldn't yet. There's reasons why. Just not everyone can know yet.

I called Aria she answered the first words she spoke was "we need to talk meet me at the park off campus" she barely got the words out but she managed and then I suddenly felt like everything was falling apart again. I didn't know what she was going to say.

I told ezra to meet me here then Sam shows up. "Hey can we talk?" "Um I don't know make it quick." "Look im sorry for what I did I didn't mean it. That girl meant nothing. I'm in love with you. Only you. I want you Aria. I was a fool." He leaned in and kissed me. I pushed him away and told him to leave I couldn't talk with him today. I waited along while for ezra to come just for him not to come. I texted him. No reply. Finally I see him walk through the gates. He took a seat next to me but kept his distance. I wanted to be closer. I moved closer to talk. "Aria look I can't be with you, your clearly in love with Sam I saw that kiss." "No no I know what it looks like even though you saw it if you would've stayed for 2 more seconds you would have seen me push him off of me and tell him to never speak to me again. Ezra finally looked up to me and cupped my face and leaned in and said "this is our new beginning and your lips...." He said and paused licking his lips then a hard lip bite which turned me on then he finished his sentence "your lips are only mine." He finished saying right as he pulled me in for a soft gentle kiss that always leaves me breathless when he pulls away because I want more.

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