Chapter 9: stay with me?

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My heart fell as heard the words from the nurse. But also possibly arias last words to me. My heart was beating faster. This wasn't her fault I should be protecting her. This is my fault. I can't keep hurting her like this. I start a new teaching job in two days and all of this is too much. I couldn't be with Aria. There were things I still didn't know about her. Like her age, her likes and dislikes. But there was one thing I was sure of. I fell for her. From the first time I met her till every time I'm with her I feel the same thing. I'm not worthy of her. Will Aria survive this? Where are her parents? I don't know what they look like or if they are here. All i can think about is what is next that Sam is going to do to her. I quickly leave out into the parking lot to call the police. I call them and make them aware of what Sam has done to Aria and that I hit him to save her. They said they'd send police out right away and would cal me back once they know what was happening. I waked back in the hospital. I was tired but wide awake. I was worried if I'd ever see Aria again.

I don't know where I am. I don't know what's happening. All I see is white. I keep having dreams but I can't wake up. Save me from this please. I had memories of me and ezra in the back of my mind that would slowly fade. It all became a blur until I forgot his name. I kept thinking hard as I slept. It's a dream I'll remember it when I wake up. When will i wake up!?

***fast forward 2 days****

It's been two days since Aria has been in a coma and 6 hours since I've seen her face. She's like an angel sleeping. Suddenly I got a call from a random number I answered it was the police to let me know they had Sam in custody and reported it seems he has an alcohol problem. They would be sending him to rehab in California so he could get away from everyone from awhile. I was happy to hear Aria will be safe once and for all. I start my job today but I decided to go see Aria before school started she still wasn't awake so I left. I went to school and wakes into my classroom. I wrote "mr. Fitz on the board" as I spoke aloud I'm your new English teacher. I spotted an empty seat in the middle of the room. I didn't pay much attention maybe someone's sick who knows. I distributed books to everyone as I heard certain girls giggle and say "hot new English teacher" "wow I'll enjoy English this year" "can I have a piece of mr. Fitz" I laughed. I walked back to the front of the room and started talking about the plans for the school year. Once the bell rung a new class came in for about 6 periods then I had lunch then I had one more period then I left for the day. I went to the hospital to find Aria still asleep I kissed her forehead and left. The next day at school I saw first periods seat was still missing. Anyways I began to teach I began reading to kill a mockingbird and repeated my routine the whole school day. After school I went
To see Aria to find her gone. I asked the nurses at the front desk where's Aria!? They said she had went home she finally awoke and her parents finally made it here just in time to see her awake and to take her home. Will she be ok I asked!? She may have some memory loss I heard the nurse say. I couldn't just show up at arias to make sure she was ok. I decided to text her can you call me when you see this!? I waited hours for her reply nothing came through.

I finally woke up to seeing my parents and their smiling faces. I didn't know what happened to me. Finally I got to go home. But my parents gave me some bad news I start school tomorrow. I went to my room and laid down. I doze off until the next morning when I woke up and looked around to see another day and I began to get ready for school. Today mike drove me to school. I went to get schedule from the office and my first period was with mr. Ezra fitz. Hmmm weird name I thought oh well. When the bell rang I began to walk to my class. To see this handsome teacher walk in. He's stunning. Once he wrote down the lesson today he turned around to pick up his coffee cup and looked out to say "holy crap" my bag began to ring I looked in it to find my phone. It was a text saying. "Maybe you forgot about what happened but I didn't. Maybe he messes with all of his students. Just ask your dad. -A" then remembered in that moment.... I remembered seeing my dad with one of his students. I tried leaving that all behind. But only ali knew. A for Alison?

I see arias face. What is happening? This can't be. I thought I spoke to myself but I guess I spoke aloud. I was froze till I got a grip and began to teach. Once class was over the bell rang. I asked "miss. Montgomery can I see you for a second so I can help you catch up?" "Uh um yeah sure." She walked towards my desk as the students left I shut the door asking how she was if she's ok. She looked confused "yes mr. Fitz in fine..." Her eyes are beautiful I wanted to kiss her. But I realized how wrong this was. She acted as if she didn't know me. She's good. As she left I handed her her papers and told her we need to speak in private but not at school. She gave me a dirty look and left.. I suddenly remembered they said she may have short term memory loss......... Maybe this is my chance to leave and act as if we've never met. But I wrote her a text in her phone. Reveling all my feelings. I need to delete it maybe she won't see it.

That was the weirdest thing ever. I never want to be left alone with mr. Fitz. Where is my boyfriend Sam? I hadn't seen him in awhile..

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