Chapter 6: meeting sam

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I see aria walk in. She looks stunning. I get up to say hi but suddenly I see a guy. Not just anyone it was Sam. He kissed her. He walked her to her seat. Suddenly the smile I felt fell to a frown. Suddenly I see Sam go and get coffees so I thought this was my chance. I rush over to tell her "hey" but I feel someone walk past me Sam was back. Aria introduced us. It was weird I walked away. I saw the way he kissed her neck and her without her pulling away. I knew she didn't feel those sparks I'm so dumb. I left the coffee shop and got in my car and sped off. I hope Aria was happy. I never expected to feel this kind of loss over her. I never expected to connect with her in the way I have. I cherished each moment I had with her. I'm more grateful than I even know how to say. Did I fall for her? No no what am I thinking. Ever since the first day I saw her I was blown away and couldn't get her off my mind. I need to stop she's happily in love. I need to go get away tonight with the boys.

I felt horrible letting ezra see me kiss this guy so many times. I felt horrible for allowing myself to keep Sam close and ezra distant even though we were nothing. I wouldn't talk at first then Sam asked me something "did you guys have something?" I didn't say anything I looked around to find ezra gone "no, we're just good friends I guess. Look we need to talk" I said. "Okay sure babe what's up?" He said. "I can't do this. I can't allow you back in my life again. You hurt me. I can't ever forgive you for that. Maybe two weeks ago but not now. I'm sorry" he looked me up and down and told me "I was not the same person I was 8 months ago". Instead of feeling bad about up I looked up looked him dead in the eyes, I smiled. Because damn right I'm not the same person I was last year nor will I be the same person next year. I said "people change, people grow; people aren't concrete objects that stay the same. The cracks get deeper and you grow wiser and realize how naïve you were." He didn't say anything. He pulled my hair back behind my ear and tried to have me look at him. I couldn't. Why do I feel the need to cry but I'm happy? I told him "goodbye" as I walked out the door. I got in my car and drove off. I went home and say in my room for a long while thinking what can I do to make this up to ezra? I don't think he'll ever trust me again. It's stating to become late. I decide to get ready and go to the club. I call han. I was scared, scared she didn't want to speak to me. But I needed a fake id so I wanted her to go too. She answered. "Hello? Who's this" I let out a sigh and she said "aria is that you!? I've missed you! How are you!?" "Great Wanna catch up tonight at the club? I need a good Id can you get us some?" I said. "Yes of course! Should we walk to the club?" She said. "Of course! See you tonight!" I replied.

What am I going to do? I lost the love of my life. I can't stop thinking about her. Mostly how she ended it this time and not me. I was thinking of how she must have felt all of this time. I need to see her but how?

I can't believe aria just called I can't wait to see her it's been to long! It's almost time to leave. I might cry when I see her. I'm just looking forward to having a good time tonight.

I drive to Hannas and park in her driveway. I get out and knock on the door. Hanna opens the door freaking out and hugs me I thought she was about to cry but I didn't let her. We began walking to the club. We were talking and catching up till we heard some guys talking to us we ignored them and kept walking. Hannas boyfriend Shawn caught up to us they are to lovey dovey so I let them get ahead by a lot they probably couldn't hear me because they are so distracted by each others presence. I heard one of the guys from early coming up next to me. I began to walk faster. "Leave me alone you bum!" I yelled. He began to wrap his arms around me and kiss me neck. "Get off of me!" I yelled. By then I didn't see hanna on the same street because I cut corners to avoid this guy. "No baby, I want you!" I finally kicked him in the you no where and ran to the club. Once I arrived I couldn't find hanna. I bought a drink and was sitting at the bar. Suddenly I had drinks being delivered to me. I ask where they were coming from "the guy down there" I looked down to see a nice looking guy. But right behind him I saw Sam saw Sam kissing that girl from the coffee shop I should've known he never cared for me. I grab my drink and turn away just to spill my drink on a familiar guy once again. It was ezra. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I told him to come to the bathroom so I could help clean him up. We say there for awhile while I sat on the counter getting water and pulling him close to where I could smell is cologne to clean his shirt. "My bad, I'm really clumsy" I said "it's fine ha" once it seemed like most of it was gone I started to hop off the counter to find my self in Ezras arms. When suddenly the door busts open. It was Sam he was beyond drunk. He said "let's go aria were going home!" He wouldn't let me go. I said "no no I'm busy" he didn't take no for an anwser and ezra walked away from our moment and told me to leave him alone. He exited the bathroom leaving me by myself with a drunk Sam. A Sam I've never seen before. He slowly started kissing my neck pushing me against the wall. I tried pushing him away but he grew mad. I was scared I tell for help but no one heard me. Sam punched me as hard as he could and yelled "kiss me back you bitch" I kissed him as blood came out of my nose. My face felt numb. Sam kept hitting me. He left me on the ground in the bathroom crying. I lost hope. I was never safe anymore. I needed ezra. But he didn't want me.

When I look at you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora