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(and here comes the dramaaa)


I walked out of the kitchen with quite an attitude. I really don't understand why Mommy wants me to be so close to this girl. I just shook my head while thinking about what Mommy had said and went to sit down next to Jordan. He looked over at me and saw the frown on my face.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked as he grabbed my hand kissing the back of it.

"Mommy wants to me to spend time with Victoria and I don't want to." I answered to an eye roll.

"Why not baby? She's a nice girl, y'all would probably get along." He said whilst shrugging.

"Oh God not you too." I sighed as I moved my hand from his.

"What? I'm just saying if you actually got to know her y'all would get along. We sat here and talked a little while you was in the kitchen, she likes the same stuff you do."

"What do we need to get along for? And why do y'all want me to bond with the girl who's taking my parents away from me so bad?" I exclaimed as I grabbed my car keys out of my purse and got off of the couch.

"Taking your parents away from you? Where is you going?" He asked as he got up to follow me.

"Away from here. I'll be back." I said as I walked out the front door and to my car. As I was walking to my car Aunty Jacky and Aunty Twinkie were getting out of the car.

"Hey Ki. Where you going?" I heard Aunty Jacky ask. I didn't even turn around to respond.

"For a drive I'll be back." I threw my purse in the passenger seat before getting in and closing my door. I started my car and let it warm up a little bit before pulling off from Mommy's house.



I continued to cook my dinner after I calmed down and I soon started singing while cooking, as I usually do. I heard the door open and close but didn't really pay attention to who was coming in or going out because I was trying to protect my peace.

Not even 2 minutes later I heard the door open and close again and I heard my name being called.

"Karen!" It was Jacky and she more than likely had Twinkie with her.

"She's in the kitchen Aunty." I heard Jordan say from the couch before I could respond. I heard a thank you before hearing her walk towards the kitchen.

"Hey, where's Ki going?" She asked as she walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"I don't know. I had to put her out my kitchen." I sighed as I hugged her back.

"For what?" She asked as she leaned on the counter.

"She's letting her jealousy cloud her judgement. I've been trying to get her to bond with Vicky and she's always so rude. Then today she said 'I don't need a sister and I don't need another friend.' And a whole bunch of other stuff so I told her to get out my kitchen." I said with a head shake.

"Has she lost her mind?" Jacky gasped in disbelief.

"She must have talking to me like that. Then she was basically trying to say that Vicky is using us cause she could have gone anywhere else to get help."

"She doesn't even like us helping her. She don't like when we buy her stuff, she always trynna pay us back." Jacky exclaimed.

"Exactly. The little jealousy and wanting to keep me all to herself was cute in the beginning but now it's just purely childish. If you knew someone had an abusive and neglectful mother wouldn't you feel bad for them and want them to have the loving and caring mother that you did?" I asked hypothetically as I went back to making dinner as we talked.

"Right. And what about the times she went looking for someone better and got the same thing she had in the first place?" Jacky added.

"That's what I said! But you know that child of mine is something else." I sighed.

"Just pray for her K. Where's Vicky?"

"Probably upstairs taking a nap. She had night school yesterday so she's been pretty tired." I said while washing my hands.

"How her grades looking?"

"Really good. She has a B or higher in every class and she's going up to the school tomorrow morning to join the track team." I answered with a proud smile.

"Aww look at you smiling like a proud mother." Jacky laughed as she walked over to the refrigerator and got a bottle of water.

"Oh shut up Jacky." I laughed with her as I waved her off.

We continued to talk and joke around as I finished dinner. Dorinda and Greg came shortly after Jacky and Kierra had made her way back and was sitting in the living room quietly as I set the table for dinner. I knew Victoria wouldn't be up anytime soon so I made her a plate and put it in the refrigerator for when she woke up later.

Once the table was set everyone sat down, we said grace and began to talk and eat amongst ourselves. Not knowing that this would be the last time things would feel or be normal.

word count: 905


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