Life Update ?? / Not a Chapter

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it's been literal months since I last published a new chapter. Thank you to everyone who has continued to show support even when I went MIA in January.

Yes, I did get COVID in January, and yes, I did give it to my family (everyone is okay now). 

I discovered Genshin Impact while I was sick too, and I was very surprised to find out that the main character's nickname is also 'Traveler.' I've worked on my version of the 'Traveler' for years now, so I beg you don't try to find a correlation between the two pls pls pls.

I am also planning on releasing other stories (but this one will be the main focus) that branch out from this HxH fanfic. 

You may have noticed the references to Attack on Titan a few chapters ago. There will be a short story about the interactions with Y/N and the cast of AoT in the future (but not soon lol). 

Y/N in the other stories I write is going to be the same Y/N and not a different version. 

ex: (I'm going to use AoT and HxH as an example)

"You're not from here- are you." Kurapika readied himself into a fighting stance. 

The green-eyed man drew out a sigh, "Of course not. You guys have all this future stuff that I don't get." He spoke slow, "Where I'm from, we fight to survive because that's how the game works. We fight the titans to live another day."

"Titans?" Kurapika stepped forward, "Why hasn't Y/N mentioned you before?" 

"Hah, why hasn't she mentioned you either, Kurapika, is it?" Eren looked off in the distance towards the glowing city, "Y/N has a lot on her plate with saving the universes and a war of her own. We're just tiny blips in her own world. She doesn't really care about us, she's here for us one minute, and the next we're left to fend for ourselves."

Kurapika calmed down, "Other universes? You mean to say that your world and my world aren't the only ones she's been to?"

"Exactly. She's what we call the 'Traveler', or as my friend liked to call her before she died, the 'Dimension Traveler.' It's a funny name for someone who doesn't come help, even after being praised for having magic powers."

I have also started streaming on twitch which is cool. I'm still figuring out a schedule for that and trying to balance out my school life too. 

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to comment or DM me. I'll be happy to respond to clarify anything :)) 

I'm hoping to have another chapter out by next Thursday, I'll see everyone then!

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