sevin:is someone stalking me?

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P.S:i know i havent updated in a really long whil alot of things happen lately because my dumde ass thought it was good to keep summoning alot of creepypastas so yeah sorry

Now here i am walking in the street everyone looks at me as if am not human or someone or something is fwolling me i dont know why they just give me these wierd ass looks and theres alot of stray cat where i live and i always love to pet them but there always so scared of me but when it comes to my sister no one looks at her the way they look at me or the cats are scared of her and also alot of my stuf go missing for a few days and then pop out of no where and stuff are moving all over my house my partes dont think much of it  but i know its somthing seriose but i dont know who to tell and my partes they will say that am emageing things and my sister she will get scared as hell and my babu brother who 2 years old LIKE HES A DAME BABY he playing the game called'cooky monster'and he doesnt know why he playing it plus when am walking on the stares of the belding and someone is walking there they just staned at least 3 feet away from my i really hate it and my friend when ever i go to her house she stays away from me it wierd and scary some of you could say that it because of covid but i dont have covid and i when go out the house i always wear a mask so am not under standing it and me, my sister, and mom are always smelling something raw as if someone killed another person and left them to rawten and my brother is scared to sleep on his own because when ever he wakes up he says he saw'the monster'in his dream so thats scary and new because for as long as i can remeber my brother was never scared to sleep in a room alon and the taps on my wendow altho i live on the 4TH floor and ive been have weird ass dreams but most of them are about creepypastas(scary fact:did you know that there is a 55% chanes for you dream to come true....oh shit) like for exampel i once dreamed of EJ and another one of lulu(if you dont know her then how dare you)and the fealling of someone watching me but i dont pay muche atention to it because  i heared that it could be because of my parents because they should always keep an eye on me all the time so thats why you feel like someone is watching you even though theres no one and you only emagining it because you used to the feallning of someone watching you

And thats all i hope you have a good night/day see you in the next chapter

Bey mah pup

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