sore throat...

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Ok, now I dunno why, but my throat has been hella sore lately, like I would raise my voice just a little bit, and I would regret it, because of how much my throat would hurt

I don't even yell that much, because I don't wanna have my voice raised a little bit, and then almost everyone would look at me, thinking that I'm crazy

And I've been drinking alot of hot drinks, or anything that's hot, just to make it better, but nothing really worked

It literally feels like everytime that it gets better, I'd be screaming my ass off at night, and I dunno what to do

And another thing I wanted to say, that I don't know how, but I kinda saw something in my dream last night, like dark woods, and something big and red in the depths of the woods

And I don't know what the actual fuck that was

Heres a song of one of my favorites singers, Ariana grande

But anyways that's all for now hope you all have a good day/night

Bye pups

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