getting worst...

22 0 3

Hey guys!

Let's get on what I want to say right away


You wanna know why first I got covid, then I got into a fist fight and I think they figured out my potential, then I maybe transfered to a hospital because my breathing is too weak, and to top it off I'm on my period

How did that all happen? ill tell you

1)I got covid from my dad after he infected my mom

2)I got into a fist fight. Now I'm not that type of person to get onto fist fights easily, but this girl oh THIS girl let's call her vee because I still have some RESPECT for that bitch even though she went WAY pass the line because I got MANNERS unlike her

Now if you know me you know that I let people get under my skin more than they should, but this girl vee she left school when she was my age and she's 18 now and she was going on and on how shes 18 and she shouldn't be here that she went to god knows where I dunno for four years and she knows how to speak Spanish

Now honey if you know how to speak Spanish you will be mixing Spanish with English and you would have studied there, right?

The day she was going to a new school she started a fight but she choose the wrong people when she just pushed my friends (my friends are only two) I got crazy I was trying to hit her even though two or three girls were trying to stop me one of them have the strength and the wight of man (I go to an all girls school) and I just went psycho, you could say the same energy of jeff trying to stab someone with almost everyone in the creepypasta mansion trying to stop him

And let's say after that fight the sickness got worse and that's before I got covid

3)it explains it self

4)also explains it self

Let's just say it been a crazy week and probably the worse

But anyways that's all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

Edit: I forgotten to tell y'all that when I was in the fight, I couldn't hold myself from laughing at Julia's face, yes that's her name, I said it because I don't give two shits about her, she was smiling, because Dina was holding me back, and I just like an insane person

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