worst dream...

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So, like always, I have another dream to share with y'all, but first, I will share the parts that I feel comfortable sharing here, because I told y'all before that I will share it (will most of it) to have an understanding between you and I

This dream is about me and my body, but it's not what you think it is, it's the one thing that will make me hate myself and ball my eyes out and literally want to die, it's pimples, I know, it's weird to hate yourself because of a pimple, but I just do, and don't even know how to explain it, not even to myself, it's just my worst nightmare

And the fake that my skin has been breaking down alo, and because of that, I get a pimple at least once every week, but let me just tell you (more like text you) about the dream I had

I was just in my house, nothing out of the ordinary, when I passed by the mirror in the living room, I looked at myself, knowing that I will start judging myself, but I noticed five or six big purple, things, holes, that looked a bit like pimples, but bigger, I started crying, told my mom, who only shrugged and said that it was some kind of disease, I begged her to take me to a doctor, but she didn't, so I just did the only thing I knew to do with a pimple, and that is to pop it, big mistake, because when I tried popping it, it only became bigger and bigger, the worst part was that it was on my cheek, when my dad came, I kept telling him to take me to a doctor, and he finally agreed, when I went there, the doctor told me something, I didn't know what it was, but all I remember was that it made my heart drop, and make me want to die

That's all I remember from the dream, but I also remember having a dream about Jeff, nothing special, it was him setting in the wheel chair I have in my room, and me setting on the bed, while we were chatting

But anyways that's all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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