a message...

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Hey guys, so I had a dream yesterday, it's basically, my mom kinda of sending me back one or two years ago, when life was fucked up, not only because of covid, but also, because of my dad, you see, back then my dad was just an amazing dad always getting drunk and beating us, or being on drugs all of the fucking time, he was always out cheating on mom, and he would barely give a shit about us

Anyway, as you all know, that dreams aren't dreams but they're a message if you remember them, and after I finally found out the message, I thought it was a good idea to share it with you too

Well, the message is, to just leave your past behind, don't stay too attached to what happened

Now don't get me wrong, is the past IS and will ALWAYS be the some important thing in a humans life, a past is like what you ate yesterday, or when you were born, this itself creates the president, like now when I'm writing this, and it will also make the future, like when I publish this chapter, or when you finish this chapter

But what I'm trying to say, don't make my mistake, of being too attached to my past, don't make your past the boss of you like I did, trust me, memories will always come back, like demons trying to make you go insane, just let your past go, you can't change the past, but you can always change the future

Now the past is what makes you as a person today, but what you need to do is to STOP, stop thinking about your past, stop making it get the better of you, no one, and nothing, should stay in control of you

You are you, and theres nothing that could change that, trust me

Now I got a question, am I the only one who wakes up from there sleep and then one second later knocks themselves out by slamming there head on the pillow?

But anyways that's all for now hope you all have a good day/night

Bye pups

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