me is DYING...

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Hello there dear reader, now fuck you, anyway, I'm here to talk (EJ:more like 'type' not 'talk'/ me: shut you're mouth)

So I've been dying lately, both physically and emotionally

Physically, because I'm sick, like, I can't breath from my nose, and I have a bit of a fiver, and I've already took like three pain killing pills today, and I've slept all day long, yet, still, I'm not feeling any better

Emotionally, because, I have exams, and I'm HELLA worried, because I haven't been able to open one single book today, and I know if I failed my mom and dad are gonna kick my sorry sick ass

Not to mention, my uncle, the one I always talk that is scaring the living shit out of me, you know, that one weird, creepy uncle, yeah

So lately, he's been staying at our house for a bit, you know, cuz hes a bit tired, and he wanted to go to my aunts house, but we couldn't let him, because my aunt and her husband have been trying for YEARS to get a child, and then my aunt had to have a Sergey to get pregnant

So I was studying this one day, and everytime that I studied, I would sometimes zone out, and look at random things, like, you can catch me staring at you, but I'm only trying to study, and I sometimes without knowing it, would look at my uncle, BIG mistake

Because even Infront of my mom, he would LITERALLY FLIRT WITH ME, I was uncomfortable, so everytime he would look at me while I'm zoning out, I would just look away, ANOTHER BIGGER MISTAKE, because when my mom left, and I zoned out AGAIN, he looked at me, I looked away hoping he didn't see me

But then he told me the next time he catched me staring at him, he would DO SOMETHING while he was LITERALLY WINKING AT ME, I told my bff and she told me to just try and avoid him, and I tried

But he was getting more stubborn, he would literally FORCE me to sit on his lap, while he put one of his hands on my wast near my *cough* I guess you know, and the other hand on the side of my lap, also pretty close my butt, and he would ALSO FORCE ME to kiss his cheek

He would often talk how he would, "take me out" to the mall, or make inappropriate jokes TWORDS ME, and he once said that out of all the girls in our family (wich are three, me, my sister, and my cousin) he liked me more, he would sometimes even say, that he wanted ME to sleep next to him

Keep in mind that this happened in the past three days, and I'm only a few months from turning 15, and that I hit puberty when I was 12, so I'm sort of an early bloomer

I really dunno what to do, and since my other uncle in going to Saudi Arabia today, for work, he would be there too

And I can't stand being there, and I HAVE to be there because it rude to not say goodbye to my uncle when he's going there for good, and my parents would NEVER let my stay at the house alone, since my sister wants to got too

But anyways that's all for now hope you all have a good day/night

Bye pups

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