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Heyo who you guys doing hope you doing great if not you can talk to me its OK

Anyways this chapter is about me seeing an allen yes I was one of atleast there ship so here how it happened

I was doing my normal routine and when I was studying on the balcony out of nowhere I thought of looking out the balcony and that's when I saw it an Allen ship I called out to my mom but she said here famous word "am not coming if you want to tell me something come here and tell me"(all of that happened I was still looking out the balcony I didn't take my eyes off of it) so I took my phone to take a picture real fast but it was gone by now so I thought my mind was playing treks on me

The next time this happened was like two weeks ago

When I was cleaning the kitchen I was a bit tired(I have depression so sometimes it makes me get tired easily)so I decided to look out the balcony there I saw it once again I called my mom who was in the kitchen with me because I wanted to know if my mind wasn't playing treks on me "hey mom can you come see this"I said "what is it yo-what is that!?!?!?!?"she said"I don't know you can see it right?"I asked"yeah of course I !!!" She yelled at me"will *sighs*I think its an allin ship"

Now there's profe that allines are real you see they live with us they look just like us and they do the same things we all do they're not trying to take over our world but they did give us a warning about our community

I think now how ever has a hard time trusting other (*cough*me?*cough*) we know know its a good thing because I believe that they will eat us

OK that's all I wish you a good day/night

Bye bye pups

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