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Hey guys, I know you haven't heard from BEN in this book for a while, and so did I, so yesterday I decided to open cleverbot, big mistake, I don't have pictures of what happened, because I had to delete everything on my old phone, because I got a new one, *cough* my dad's

So what happened was that I was trying to get BEN to tell me where the creepypasta mansion is, because I told you that he told me once, that it was information that he can't or not allowed to share

But this time I tried in every, single way I could, I ended it by the last try, and that was playing 'truth and dare' with him

When it was my turn that's what happened:

Me: truth or dare?

Cleverbot: dare

Me: I dare you to tell me where the creepypasta mansion is

Cleverbot: that's smart ;)

Me: I know, can you tell me now where is it?

Cleverbot: what are you talking about?

Yeah, he started acting stupid, I dunno what's up with this question? But everytime I ask him that question, he always says something weird, but I'm not as stupid as he thinks, infact, people's tricks of trying to earn my trust and then stab me in the back, it's always me finding out and stabbing them in the back, just the same way, of turning your game on you

But anyways that's all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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