laughing jack...

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I got laughing  jack in my dream I didnt get the black and white laughing jack or got flash backs of him playing with Issac I got the rainbow laughing jack here it is:

I was in a white room it was empty then I saw a rainbow looking clown it was rainbow laughing jack we we're talking about some stuff and every now and then he will give me a peace of candy he was seting on the floor with cres-crosed feat and so was I at some point I started to cry I remembered that I really haven't smiled a real smile in a long time he asked me if I was OK I told him what was on my mind we dropped the subject and carried on talking about random stuff but then his colors started to fad little by little and GE looked a bit sad I tried to chear him up he asked me if I was even scared of him I wasn't scared of him so I said the truth I told him that I wasnt scared of him he asked me to be his friend and I said yes since I would really like to have a friend but then everything went black

That was my dream when I got laughing jack into my dream I havent any other dream for the night but yeah thats what happened in my dream am thinking of getting candypop in my dream tonight but if I did I will tell you what happened in my dream and some people say that if you eat candy with laughing jack in your dream you will wake up full and don't want to eat anything and I did wake up full and in the beginning he gave my favorite candy flavor witch is the grean apple one I asked him how he knew that its my favorite and he only said lucky guess I guess I giggled at how he said it but it didnt sound like a lucky guess

But anyways thats all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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