a weird lady...

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So a few days ago I had a dream of a women that had a cout the same that red raiding hood has but last night was a howl different story in the first time I had a dream about her she was saying some messed up shit but the most thing that she will say to me is 'am coming' or i think it was 'hes coning' or something like that but her what she always says is this 'am not dobe making you scream' now this sis the most messed up thing I've ever heard but that dream I woke up and was like "that's just a dream its OK" but last night I woke up crying out of fear now this lady wasn't just creepy looking but she did some stuff in the dream that got me to wake up shaking and crying to my mom who was half asleep its a bit hard to talk about because evertime i think about her it sends shivers down my spine but here it is:

I was unloading the bags out of my dads car we where going back to the beach but this time my ante and uncle are with us as I was unloading the bags out of the car with my sister there was here the same lady that had a red cout with the hood on her chubby cheeks mad her look a bit on the plus size she walked over to me and started saying something like 'he's coming' or 'am coming' and i think she said this too 'you need to run' but at the end she said this 'am not done making you scream' after that I just ignored her and walked with my sister back to the building to get to the apartment and just get some rest it was really late at night anyways as I was entering the apartment door the lady stoped me my sister was walking infront of me and stopped walking too the lady just looked at me and then said this 'I won't hurt you' I didnt trust her she put out her pinky as to let me make a pinky promise I didnt want too I wanted to run to tell her to fuck off but something kept me quit and I put out my pinky too I tried to hold back I wanted to run my sister kept telling to not trust her and just go back to our apartment but I couldn't my sister saw that there was something wrong and she told me to hang on and that she will get help not a second after my sister went to bring help smithing pilled am sure it wasn't my sister since my sister isn't fast at all it was a male she was wearing all black and I could see some blue on his face and a bit grey on where his nike is but I payed to attention to it he pushed me in the apartment me he closed the door sliding down the door trying to catch my breath and understand what just happens my dad asked me what was wrong I told him everything he asked me if I toched her or something and I said almost after I told him that she said that she's not done making me scream he told me to scream as loud as posibol I didnt want to so I just shoke ny head no he pulled my hair and screamed at me to do it so I did then there was a baby looking thing that could fit my hand if I held it and as I saw it something screamed at me to put my hands on my face and duck so I did I didnt want to see it I could hear it knocking on the window and he said something like this 'wake up rise and shine and here to wake you up your little bud and there is her faking asleep get up he wants you' it seemed to be a chant more than talking and this moment I started to cry and shake then another came and another and they we're all saying something like 'he comes' or something like that

That it that was my dream it pretty fucked up I know I woke up crying and shaking from fear I told my mom and she told me to go sleep with my sister am a but scared right now to go to sleep and also I need to get LJ in my dream because if I didnt something bad might happen I will tell what happens in that dream

But anyways that's all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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