just a big ass wow

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Hey, I really don't have much to update on creepypasta, since nothing's been happening lately, but I wanted to talk about something, plus update y'all a bite

So I have an drug addicted uncle (which we're gonna call him by John), you know, kinda like the creepy uncle everyone is scared of but there brothers, yeah, mines addicted to drugs

And he's been really fucked up lately, because his wife took his children, and left him by himself, and he's been either very sad about it, or very mad about it, and because my dad, and two of his brothers were at my grandpa's house

So he decided, to come over and he was very angry about it, he started off by going around my grandpas houses then he parked the car in the middle of the road, and while he's in the car, he started singling to my cousin to come where he was, which was at the end of the road

And my cousin said he wanted to go, but I stopped him, because as much as I love my uncle, I knew from all the things that he did, and what my dad warns me about him, is that he's a mad man, and when I stopped my cousin, my uncle got really mad, he literally almost ran over a kid

He came near my grandpas house at the same time my dad and uncle (and we're gonna call him Tim I dunno why, so don't ask why) came out, because they heard me screaming at my cousin to not go, while he was yelling at me that he was going

Anyway my dad and uncle tim, saw uncle John throw a rock at my dad's car, and I think he broke his cars window in the process, because I saw the glass of his car break into big pieces, and I heard something break

However I knew it was a threat, because if he really wanted to break my dad's car, he'd get a bigger rock, because the rock he got only hit the body of our car, and barely bent the metal of the car

But anyways that's all for now hope you all have a good day/night

Bye pups

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