stuff are getting crazy in here...

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Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while but I've been a bit busy trying to figure stuff out and if you asking about what stuff its about the creepypastas

So you know how slenderman would now like EVERYTHING about you and he can and will hunt you in your dream by him being in your dreams or making you feel like super week by giving those wierd ass dreams because you don't Like to be physically weak will yeah am that typ of person and I really keep feeling week and that I cant take care of myself to take care of other people and my depression is getting real bad that all I want to do is just sleep all day even writing this right now is making me feel a bit tired

Let's put this a side now and talk about something else

If you saw the first chapter of this book till now you will notice that I talk a lot about BEN because he does the most stuff here and for the past two days the TV was glitching a lot like every 2 to 3 seconds it will glitch

But about the dreams I don't talk about some of them because some of aren't about creepypasta or its something that I can't explain it myself

Like one of them that am trying to protect myself but I end up being beat up myself instead and the way it came is so fucking weird and messed up

But anyways thats all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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