just remembered...

17 1 0

Hia, so not alot of creepypasta shit has been going on, but I do remember something, I've been meaning to write this for a few days but never had the time, so now I can, before I go to school, that is

Anyways, I just remembered that I had a childhood best friend, now you might be thinking 'and? Everyone had a childhood best friend at some point' but no, I can clearly remember that my friend was a male, with brown chocolate eyes, and brown hair

And I can also remember that he used to stutter and tic, alot, witch made some kids make fun of him, I dunno, but I think I remember at some point he told me I was his first friend

I didn't know of creepypasta back then, it's like 8 years ago

Now I do remember random stuff from years ago, so I wasn't that stunned when I randomly got this memory, but what shocked me was, how the details lined up perfectly, with the all to famous ticci toby

But anyways that's all for now hope y'all have a good day/night

Bye pups

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