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Hey am writing this fast because am scared as fuck because of what happened last night and because I was seeing shit in the corner of my eye but anyways here's what happened

"I was walking in a dark place for some reason everything was dark I could meet myself bummbing in some stuff by accident but everything was dark I couldn't see a thing even though I can see in the dark just perfect I couldn't see anything but then I heard a low static noise I felt something telling me "go walk there you have too NO you NEED too now go walk where your hearing the static" so I did as asked and walked where I can hear the static I could here it get louder and louder I could feel myself get a bit dizzy and I felt like I wanted to throw up for some reason but I ignored it and kept walking I was about to throw up but I didnt dare to I felt more and more dizzy as I walked I felt like I was drinking too much before this but in the end I passed out I woke up and the first thing I saw was a pale empty face just staring at me I saw so confused that I just stared back I didn't feel any fear twardes him actually i felt nothing just stared back the place around us was felt with static I did feel dizzy but I didnt care at all"

So yeah that's what happened I've been seeing a black thing in the corner of my eye I do t know what's going on right now I wasn't watching or doing anything about slenderman lately I did search about him and I did say that because they came into my business am going to get in there business and I think that made him angry and as am writing this the TV just glitched for a second now I don't know what's going on so please tell me

But anyways thats all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

creepypasta experienceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن