weird feelings...

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So um I have some weird feelings that I've had for like as long as I can remember I've been feeling like I want to go the the woods or go to a forest I want to be near the trees even if they looked like something out of a horror movie I still wanna go

I don't know why but I've been like this from I went to the woods with may parents when I was a kid like about 5 to 9years old

We go to the woods to barbeque and will even tho I sometime may see slenderman I just brush him off of my mind and have a good time in the wild

I can't tell you how much I miss those day ever since covid-19 started we only barbeque on the balcony it sucks...will at least to me my dad dosnt mind to barbeque anywere and my mom dosent like to go to the woods because she says that it makes my brother dirty his clothing and my sister is scared of the woods

Like I wanna go anywere that have trees and Clim them like the old days maybe even talk a walk around the place but stay close to may parents or take a path that I know so I won't get lost I just want to smell the smell of the woods feal it bress (is that how I write it)of the woods on my face

If you know what to do please tell me am begging my parents none stop to go there

Anyways that all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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