laughing jack?...

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So today as my 3 year old brother fell asleep I got out of the room to make it quite so he can sleep peacefully but as I was putting some pasta-salad (if you haven't tried it you should its easy to make and very tasty) and some grapes but then after I eat some of the food I have put for myself my brother woke up crying and screaming i ran into the room sonic speed and asked him if everything was OK? He said the boggy man scared him, I asked him where he saw him in his dream? And he said yes and that he was at the end of the bed

At that moment even though laughing jack was and still is a killer who thinks of nothing other than killing I felt my blood boil (if you have a sibling who's younger than you, you know the feeling) I didn't care if he could kill me in a blink of an eye but he had no business scaring the shit out of my brother and every time I think about it I fell the rage come back up again and I don't know what to do to put out the flames inside of me if you know then please tell me

But anyways that's all for now hope you have a good day/night 

Bye pups

creepypasta experienceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon