I dunno what to name this¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Hi everyone, new years is only two days away! Hope you're as excited as I am

Anyway I came here to talk for a bit, you know, 'bout you, and me

Will, it caught my eye how alot of people take there lives every day, to be right, a 130 people commit suicide every day, if you put that in a month it 3900 people pre month and if you put it in a year its 46,800 pre year, and that's alot of people

And I just wanted to tell you something, before you even try to think of being a victim to suicide, that, it's not over yet

Listen, your heart isn't a box, so don't lock it, your arm isn't paper, so don't cut it, and your life isn't a game, so don't end it

And I wanted to say another thing, now my dad always says when people, like family members, ask him 'how didn't he give up on everything?' he just simply says 'i believe that there isn't a night without a day' as in, there isn't a night, he means there isn't something bad, without a day, means without something good happening after it

Everything happened for a reason, YOU were born for a reason, the reason maybe being to keep your single mother from don't fucked up shit, or to keep her going

And you're not the only one here that have tried commiting suicide, I've tried it too, because I was done with everything around me, I was 11 back then, now four years later, I would've regretted taking my life, because I've just done so many things, I've made alot of people happy

and even though I'm still fighting to urge to go back to how I was, I remember everything, I remember everyone here, that wrote a simple comment, or just decided to vote for a chapter or two, that shit makes my day

And trust me, you're loved, if not by the people around you, it's by me, by the people in the future that are going to welcome you with open arms

You've suffered now, but it will all pay off once you've grown a bit, and looked back at yourself, and then at what you're doing in life in the future, you'd regret taking your life

And creepypasta isn't only about blood, or murder, or killers, if you pay more attention to there REAL back stories, you'd find alot of message

For example, slenderman, the message he's giving, is that nothing is what seems to be

Jeff, to always fight back everyone who's trying to make you helpless

Jane, to always fight for what is right

Eyeless jack, always love yourself no matter how weird you are

Dark link, embrace and love your dark side

Sally, that no matter how old you are there's always a little child living inside of you

Lazari, you're stronger than you think you are

So yeah, just don't do what everyone tells you to do, just be you, and go with the flow, and then you'll see how easy life really is, you just got to open your eyes

But anyways that's all for now hope you all have a good day/night

Bye pups

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