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I got another weird...dream, you see I got sick of all those dreams I've been having, i got tired, but I got to keep you all updated

I was in my moms bedroom and for a reason it was trashed I don't know why, 'its probably one of dads moments again', thats what I thought, and my mother was going on and on how she's not going to just set there letting him whatever he wants with her, 'who's he', I thought then it hit me, I thought she was talking about slenderman but no, she was talking about dad, you see I wouldn't even call him "my dad" or "a dad", so as I was cleaning the room with my brother playing on my moms phone, and my sister helping us, dad came through the door, looking absolutely waisted, just like most of the time, him and mom started fighting throwing words at each other, my sister holding for me out of fear for dear life, and I was trying to might the sounds out of my brothers ears, then my dad started to hit my mom when she yelled out at him "NO!IM NOT LISTENING TO YOU!I DONT WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU!AS IF YOU WERE EVER A GOOD FATHER" long story short everything calmed down, and I don't know why, but we all slept in my parents room that night, although me and my sister had our room, everyone slept, but I didnt, its because I kept feeling my dads drilling in my back

I don't remember what happened next, it's then another dream I had

I was on a train track, 'weird' I thought to myself, there was a dead end for the train track, that literally reaches your death if you kept going, there was a deep, dark, fall of the train track, but then I heard someone, talk through my phone?, I didn't know it was until, the one and all, BEN came out of my phone, "no...ok, listen kid, are you stupid or something? You see that, it could lead to your death, do you want to die? I don't think so, so don't go anywhere near that" he was talking to me? Will yes he was, but why was he trying to help me?, why was he trying to save me? I dunno why

Those are the dreams I had, about the first dream, I'm not explaining it until chapter 100 if I still don't feel comfortable talking about it you guys will have to wait until i am, but i do promise an understanding between you and me, to know why I didn't update on my other books

And also I will be doing a summoning on the 100 chapter, I'm excited because this is my first book and it has a special place in my heart

But the way I'm writing this at 7:37AM, will that's weird, I'm usually up at that time, oh will, I just wake up at random hours of the day, its because I don't go to school just for a little bit because of covid, we have a few girls in our class that got covid, so I'm here literally been stuck in the house for almost a month

But anyways that's all for now hope you have a good day/night bye pups

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