the weirdest ass dream i ever got...

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As the title says last night i had the weirdest ass dream I got by now I don't know why I dreamed of that dream but I did and am confused as fuck right now but anyway less talking and let's get to the dream I got:

I was walking in a house I think it was the slender mansion I dunno but I was walking around but then I was a guy that looked like EJ we talked a bit but then he had to go and asked me if I wanted to come with him and I said yes turns out he was going back to his room because Jeff was there to get bandaged up EJ did what he had to do and bandaged Jeff up then for some reason everything went black but when I came back to it EJ was hugging for some reason and he was talking to someone I didnt see who it was back my back was turned to that person but he then said something like 'she's mine' I really dunno what it was but it was something like that but then it all went black again and this time I was in the living room and was siting on the floor with my legs cress-cross and jeff was brading my hair I don't know who came or what did they say but jeff got really protective and hugged my shoulders from behind and said the same thing EJ said before 'shes mine'

Wam bam and that's my dream ma'am or sir i woke up by my brother shaking my legs because he wanted to go to the bathroom and I couldn't go back to sleep when my brain recalled to what I was dreaming about it was like 'wtf was even that?' I don't know myself what that dream was and I have a lot of blackouts in my dreams lately or that I don't remember them

But anyways thats all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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