why me...?

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So today as you all know we picked up my sister from my uncles house and will I wanted to hug my sister because I haven't seen her in a week and I was the first to go inside the house but she just ran pass me and huged my dad then my mom then my three year old brother "what about me?can't I get a hug too"I asked and she just smiled and put her arm that was facing mom and dad and slapped me with the other it wasn't hard because she wanted to look like an angel in front of mom and dad then she just walked away

I went to my cousins room let's call him mark because I don't want anything to happen to him so as I say I walked to marks room and for as long as I can remember he had a ps4 and he was playing a game called 'little nightmare' I like this game plus that my dad don't alow a PS or an Xbox in the house so i was really excited to play this game I saw some videos about it and this game rocks so asked if I can play "Yeah sure you can" mark said after like 5 minutes of playing this game my sister came in and asked if she can play "but am playing right now" I said in am emotonaless tone "please mark can I?" She said

Mark sighed being an 9 year old boy he didn't know what to do "hey sara...can you give the game controller to maya"(am using all fake names because I don't want anything to happen) he asked being a 14 year old kid and the first grandchild I nodded and gave it to her at this point all the mean stuff that happened in the past came back all in one second I wanted to cry but I held it back like I've been really emotional lately I dunno why I just am the smallest things make cry

I was at the balcony with my mom my uncles wife let's call her mariam and mariams mom and they were just chatting and will I just did what I Amway do I listened I don't like to talk to anyone really then my sister came and she wanted to set with us the balcony was really small so she couldn't "then why is sara setting here?"she asked "hey sara go inside and stay with your brother" my mom said I nodded and the night carried on like this every time I do something my sister had to rwine it and my parents made it worse by always telling how much they messed her and that the house is no fun without her

When we got home my dad told to make him a sandwich so I did as I was doing it my sister came in and was like "me one too" she said almost yelling and just looked at her my heart smiled a beat when she yelled like that "why can't you make one yourself ?" I asked "will my hands hurt alot"she wined and I knew for like 100% that she was lieing so I said this "look am really overwhelmed right now brother is running around the house mom and dad are in the room doing god knows what and I need to clean the house too so can you please do it on you own you really don't do anything in the house" I said not wantting to sound rude

After sometime she was crying for god knows why and she just kept telling my dad how I treated her earlier saying that from the second I saw her I kept giving derty looks or death stars and mom and dad believed her and there I was so close to crying when my and dad where yelling at me telling me that am the oldest and I should not treat my sister like that and that she just came I couldn't hold it back anymore so...I let those tears fall and let me tell you my dad hates it when someone Cry's infrot of him and I told him the hole truth and that she is lieing my dad didn't believe me and just told me to go to sleep and that its late already all of a sudden I heard something fall like glass falling and breaking...no one can hear it but me because its my heart breaking I hear a crack from time to time but this time it just shared

right now am numbed I can't feel my emotions anymore this happens most of the time so can you please tell me what to do am telling ya I can make her life a living hell too but she's my sister and I love her so I don't know what to do please tell me what to do

But anyways that's all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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