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 Anneliese looked down at her daughter, and smiled

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 Anneliese looked down at her daughter, and smiled.

"Selina, my darling...I can't be with you I'm sending you to your safe, my little dove...I love so much..." Anneliese cried, as she hugged her daughter one last time, and created a portal.

"Mama...what's wrong? I don't understand..."

"Sweetheart...there are bad people who are attacking isn't safe for you here...I'm doing this to protect you...please...GO!" Anneliese cried, creating a portal, and gently pushing her daughter into it, sending her through the portal, and turning to face the attacker.

"MAMA!!! Mama no...MAMA!!!!" the girl screamed, as she lost sight of her mother in the swirling orange as the portal pulled her away. The last glimpse of her mother was a sad smile and a blood curdling scream before the portal closed.

The young girl landed on the tile floor, blacking out as a woman with dark brown hair rushed in, and hugged the small unconscious 13 year old girl.

5 years later...

Selina awoke to pounding on her door. She sleepilly got up, and opened the door, rubbing her eyes as a piece of paper was shoved in her face.

"What's this?" Selina asked the maid, looking at her questioningly.

"It came earlier this morning...Just read it princess." she said sadly. She guided Selina over to the bed, and she opened the letter and read it. As she read it, tears sprang to her eyes.

"Princess Selina, we regret to inform you that...Rosalia has fallen..." Selina softly read off the paper. She felt her heart sink as she read on farther. "The attack was swift...there survivors..." She didn't bother reading any farther. "There's no has to be just has to be..." she muttered as she crumpled up the paper, and tossing it behind her as she hurriedly stood up, went into her closet, then came out in a pair of jeans, boots, and a rather warm coat, and ran outside to the moors, towards Rosalia, not believing what the paper said to be true. Whilst on the moors, hunters ambushed her, then Allan, her cousin who was like an older brother, came up behind her, grabbed her at the waist, and hoisted her up onto his horse, then turned back and urged his horse back to the palace. Once they reached the palace walls, an arrow hit Allan as he shooed Selina inside. She turned, and saw the hunters dragging her cousin away from the other side of the wire gate, and watched her maid, Daisy ride away on Allan's horse with a smug smile on her face. Tears poured down Selina's face as she sank down next to the pillars in the front hall.

With Irina.

"Yes, I know Rosalia has fallen, Nadira."

"They took Alister too...they killed Anneliese and Will...Shadow's dead..."


"So, then what do we do, Ree?"

"We modify her memories of the last few years...especially the ones that include Shadow..Anneliese...William...what she is...everything...we have to plant memories...make her think she's my's better this way...."

"I hope you don't regret this..."

"If it means letting my niece be happy, then I'll take the risk...even if she hates me for it later." Irina said sadly, as she prepared the memory modifying potion. After the potion was finished, Irina went in search of the only family she had left, and found her sitting by one of the pillars, crying. She helped Selina stand, and ushered her to the library, and handed her a cup of tea with the potion in it. She sadly drank the tea, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

When she was to awake, everything she knew, and had known, would be changed, forever.

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