Chapter 15

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"WAKE UP Aunty Selina WAKE UP !!" Akira (Who was 3 years old), Edmund (who was 7 years old), and Yuki (who was also 7 years old) jumped up and down on Selina's bed.

"Alright, Alright. I'm up, I'm up." Selina sat up and yawned. "What do you rascals want this early in the morning?"

"It's not that early Aunty Selina!" Akira giggled.

"Yeah, you slept past breakfast." Edmund finished his sister's sentence.

"Oh, have I?" Selina asked absentmindedly.

"Yea, Mama say..." Akira began before Roselyn cut her off.

"Mom said to let Aunty Selina sleep. She stayed up really late last night. Out, both of you. You too Yuki..."


"Now." Edmund, Yuki, and Akira got off of Selina's bed and unhappily exited the room.

"I swear they were learning to crawl 2 days ago." Roselyn joked.

"HaHa, That's what happens when you have children who are hybrids. If you don't watch them, they will be teenagers in a matter of days." Roselyn went to Selina's bedside and sat down.

"Hey, Kitten?"

"Yeah?" Selina stifled a yawn.

"If you don't mind me asking... How did you get the picture of Ivy and me?"

"It was in the drawer of the nightstand in the room I was forced to stay in. I knew it was you and Ivy, because of your red and blue hair, and you two kind of looked similar."

"Oh. Thanks, for this by the way." Roselyn said, lifting up the snapshot.

"No problem. Guess you have two rascals to go take care of now huh?"

"Yeah. Oh and, you need to get ready. Mary wants to see you in the drawing-room because she hasn't seen you for 2 days. She thinks you're avoiding her." Roselyn gave Selina a quick hug and exited the room.

"I kinda am avoiding her. And Everyone else." Selina whispered as she got out of bed and changed into pale blue capris, a purple t-shirt, and a pair of sandals.

Selina exited her room and set out for the drawing-room.

When she reached it, she entered and found Mary staring out the window.

"You wanted to see me?" Mary turned around with a smile on her face.

"Yes dear. Please, sit." Selina sat. "Are you alright honey? You have been skipping meals and avoiding everyone but Roselyn since your resurrection. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, what makes you think something's wrong?" Selina half-heartedly laughed as she nervously said the last sentence.

"Well, you have been keeping to yourself lately, avoiding everyone including Alice, skipping meals, you never play violin, or sing anymore... do i need to go on?"


"Please tell me what's wrong honey, I want to help."

"You can't help with this," Selina muttered as she stood to leave the room.

"Don't you dare leave this room young lady," Mary commanded in a stern motherly voice. Selina turned back around and sat back down.

"I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"I was told by...someone...that I would eventually give in to the darkness. I Don't want to become evil, or kill anyone, or... or... I just want to be happy and not be the destruction of everyone that I love!" Selina exclaimed as she began to cry.

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