Chapter 24

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The next morning, Selina awoke 2 hours before dawn. She got up, showered, and put on a tank top, and the pair of jeans that she used for training back in Gandara. She then put on a pair of boots, pulled her hair up into a ponytail, grabbed her sword, and opened the door. She quietly closed it, then went outside to the garden and the lake where she was to meet Andromeda.

When she reached the lake, Andromeda was there with a peach and a cup of tea.

"You didn't eat breakfast did you?"

"No, I didn't." Andromeda handed her the peach and the cup of tea.

"Eat. You will need your strength for today's training."

"What are we doing?" Selina asked as she finished the peach and tea.

"You are going to learn how to enhance your magic."


"By sharpening your edge, training in dance fighting, and by mastering your new powers. Let us begin." Andromeda created quite a few water forms.

"Eris will try to get under your skin. Don't let her. She will try to bring you into the Darkness. Don't give in. You MUST keep your guard up. Never lower it once inside the Dark Realm EVER. Do you understand?"

Selina was destroying the water forms.

"Yes, I...woah.." she dodged a water blade, "I understand completely..." Half way through the training, the frontal pieces of her hair came out of the ponytail and fell down to frame her face.

"Eris will not play fair. She will disarm you of your sword." Andromeda disarmed Selina. "When that happens, you must use your powers to defend yourself." Selina then began throwing balls of light at the water forms. She finally got fed up with it, and summoning all the magic she could she attempted to destroy all the water forms at the same time.


Roselyn called out to her and she lost focus. The water forms knocked her to the ground.

"Guy dang it..." she muttered under her breath.

"Why did you lose focus?"

"Kitten, there you a-" Roselyn caught sight of Andromeda.

"Oh, that's why."

"Who the hell are you?"

"I am Andromeda, Selina's Celestial Guardian. And you are interrupting our training session. If you could leave, that would be appreciated. Now, Selina, you must NEVER lose focus. If you do, you will lose." Selina used a large ball of light to dissolve all of the remaining Water forms.

"We are done for today. Come back later at the same place. We will work on your dance fighting. Then on mastering your powers." Andromeda disappeared, and Selina exited the lake, drenched and tired. She grabbed her sword, and stuck it in her holster.

"Let's go get something to eat. I'm famished." Selina stated. She was wobbling and swerving as she went up the path to the palace. Roselyn came up behind her to make sure she didn't fall. Selina tried to walk through the doorway, but she was so tired that she walked right into the door frame. After she bumped her head a few times, she finally made it through the door. Instead of going to the kitchen as she had planned, Selina found herself flopping onto her bed. As soon as her head touched her pillow, she fell dead asleep.

She awoke hours later with a pain in her right thigh. She got up, and yawned, stretched her arms. She then massaged her thigh, stood up, and changed into a teal tank top, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of brown heeled boots. After that, she grabbed her sword and placed it in her holster, fixed her ponytail, and made her wings disappear. She then went down the hall and knocked on Allan's door. He didn't answer. So she went to Roselyn's door, knocked, and got no answer. The same was with Brandon.

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