Chapter 23

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When they had reached Angora, Selina and Roselyn were asleep. Allan had carried Selina, and Brandon carried Roselyn. When they reached Mary's castle Roselyn woke up and looked at her surroundings, realizing she had fallen asleep.

"Um...can you..put me down..." She asked gently.

"Yeah, sure." Brandon said, gently helping her down. She looked over to Selina, who was still asleep. Roselyn then went and knocked on the door. Mary opened the door and smiled gently letting them all in and leading them to the entrance room.

"Are you all alright? What happened? I want a full debrief." She stated in a motherly voice.

"Long story short, we fought Selina back, met a spirit person with raven black hair and bright green eyes who looked exactly like Lina, and we got a threat from Eris." Brandon said, as he sat down on one of the seats.

"Hmm...that's...your mother...correct?" Mary asked.

" is... As much as I wish it wasn't.." Brandon said softly. Roselyn slipped her hand into his, and laid her head on his shoulder.

"I wonder...Brandon, can you tell me some of the hereditary characteristics of your family?"

"Uhh sure...most of my family has dark, almost raven black, red, and lavender eyes run in our family...and...I'm the only kitsune of my family."

"I haven't pieced it together...have you?"

Brandon gave her a confused look.

"Think about the characteristics you just told me. Then think about some people you've met...piece it together..."

"Raven Black hair...wait...the spirit had the same eye color AND hair color that runs in my family...but..."

"Who is one of the only people in your family history that matches that description EXACTLY?" Mary asked, fighting a smile.

"Only my mom...and..."

"Keep thinking about'll figure it out..."

"OH! Her sister, Anneliese!"

"Exactly!! And if you think about know someone else, too." Mary urged. "You know her...better than you think you do....think about it Brandon..."

"Lina...related to me?"

"She is, yes. She's your cousin." Anneliese (the raven haired woman/cloaked figure) stated, materializing in the room. "But you can't tell her. She needs to find out on her own...She will start remembering...and you need to help her. Can you do that for me?" She asked gently.

" there anything more from my past...that you remember about?"

"Oh yes. Much much more." Anneliese stated gently. "But I can't tell you. You need to find out on your own." She continued.

"Why can't you tell him?" Roselyn said, jumping into the conversation.

"Because, the spells that have been cast prevent it. If I could tell him, I would Roselyn. Wonderful to see you again by the way..." Anneliese continued. Roselyn and Brandon looked up in shock.

"What? H-How do you know me?" Roselyn said, shocked.

"'ll see soon enough..." Anneliese said mysteriously with a rather large smile.

"Okay...but now to the problem at hand..what do we do about Eris?"

"You will know when the time comes. I promise you."

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