Chapter 11

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After Selina had pushed Liam off, she bolted out of Mary's home and into the woods beyond. She was not sure where Sankori was, but she was positive that Count Dracula would find her. She began to slow down when she felt like she was being watched.

"Hello?" she called out nervously, "Who's there?" she heard a twig snap. And she turned around. To face none other than Count Dracula himself, who was a few yards away.

"It's alright. There's no need to be afraid, little one."

He moved closer. She pulled her coat's lapels closer together.

"Pardon me sir, but I am looking for Sankori. Could you give me a few directions?" Dracula moved closer still.

"You do not find Sankori, Sankori finds you. What business do you have in Sankori dear girl? Only fools go there looking for trouble."

"I am actually looking for Count Dracula. Do you know where he might be?" Dracula moved even closer until he was directly in front of her.

"Why would a pretty thing like you be looking for him? We could have such fun together, you and I." he slid his hand behind her head and tilted it upwards. She pushed away from him.

"No. It is important that I find him. Please, Direct me to his place of residence. I beg of you." She put up her arms to shield herself from his advances. He then caught a glimpse of the silver butterfly on her left wrist. He reached forward and gripped her left wrist pulling it toward him.

"What is this?" he asked looking down at her birthmark.

"It's my birthmark and it is also one of the reasons that I need to speak with Count Dracula." She wrenched her wrist out of his grasp and held it close to her chest.

"Now If you would Kindly..." she was cut off by his sly smile. "What?"

"Count Dracula of Sankori at your service. I apologize my lovely, I had not realized who you were, otherwise I would have skipped my little games."

"Oh, I um..." He began to circle around her.

"I honestly thought you would be human when I got to you, but it seems that my dead protege had gotten to you first. I also expected a fight. Not a peaceful surrender."

"I am sorry to disappoint," she explained as he unfastened her coat and set it off to the side.

"You do not disappoint, you are actually quite striking." He gazed at her pale porcelain skin that was previously concealed by her coat.

"Thank you... I think," she said as Dracula continued his survey. He stopped in front of her.

"I am actually quite surprised that Liam let you leave, considering how possessive he is of his toys..." Dracula said and he slid his hand behind her head, tilting it upward once again.

"I didn't really give anyone else a choice. I CHOSE to seek you out. So no one would get hurt." she added the last sentence in a whisper.

"I see, you did it to protect Ravena and the unborn brat."


"You know her as Roselyn, But her real name is Ravena." As Dracula said this his mouth gravitated towards the base of her neck.

"You smell wonderful, my lovely." he said in a husky whisper. He then bit the base of her neck and drank some of her blood. She lost consciousness and fell to the ground. He wrapped her in her coat, picked her up and went to his castle in Sankori. Where he placed her in a large canopy bed down the hall from his own chamber, tucked her in, and left saying,

"Sleep well, lovely one. Until tomorrow." and with that, he closed the door and went hunting. 

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