Chapter 17

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The next morning, Selina rose from her bed. She didn't sing, she didn't smile. She was just a hollow empty shell. She put on a midnight blue sundress, and tied the halter straps behind her neck. She then went to the mirror, and cut her long waist length black hair to just below her shoulders, letting the shorn pieces fall to the ground around her bare feet.

Looking into the mirror, she said to herself,

"I can't believe i did that yesterday......i have to know why i acted like that.'' She dropped the scissors on the table and then proceeded to pin up her now short hair, and went into the garden by herself, in the morning twilight.

Sitting on the stone bench, she saw a dandelion, plucked it, and closing her eyes muttered,

"I wish I knew what was going on...Why everything's changed...why i've changed..." she allowed the light breeze to billow through her hair and gown as it blew the seeds of the dandylion as they released from their stem to begin a new life. As the seeds and stem blew away, Selina accepted that she would, never fully understand what had happened, and why.

"Selina?" Diana appeared next to her.

"Hey, Diana."

"I heard what happened, I am so sorry honey, are you ok?"

"'s okay." Selina gave a small laugh, "I'm okay.... I Promise."

"I'm always here if you want to talk."

"I know, Thanks." Diana disappeared, and Selina stayed at the lake for a long time, watching the sunrise.

Back at the castle 

Brandon walked into the library to find everyone in a frenzy.

"I go to sleep for one minute and this is what happens." Brandon muttered. "Hey what's going on?" he asked

"Selina's one's seen her all day..." Janessa stated. "Liam thinks Vlad had something to do with her disappearance, and Vlad's denying's just a mess."

Brandon exited the castle and went straight to the waterfall. There, he saw Selina with her eyes closed allowing the wind to comfort her, with its warm caress.


"Oh, hi Brandon...What do you need? Is something wrong?" Selina asked softly.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, just watching the sunrise. That's all. What about you? What are you doing out here?" Selina asked softly, glancing up at her brother with a sweet smile on her face.

"Uhh..checking on you, what else?"

"You didn't need to, you know that right? I promise i'm ok." Selina laughed softly.

"Yeah...well everyone is kinda in a panic looking for you, and I kinda figured you'd be here so that's why I'm here."
"Uuoh...well, as much as i'd like to stay out here, i guess we better go back in huh?" Selina asked, turning towards him, and smiling softly.

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." Brandon said, smiling back gently.

Selina nodded, stood, and grabbed Brandon's hand. He stiffened at this gesture, and she looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" she asked gently.

"N-Nothing. Let's just get over there..don't wanna keep them waiting..especially Roselyn." Brandon said, laughing slightly.

"'re right..." Selina said, blushing profusely as they went back to the palace.

When they reached the palace, they went straight to the library, and when they entered, everyone stared, all chatter stopped.

Love and War (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz