Chapter 8

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The next morning, Selina awoke to pitch black. She was alone, everyone was gone, and there was nothing she could do.

The pitch black faded, and the new found light revealed a lovely field of white roses covered in blood. The bodies of her daughter and friends lay motionless, covered in blood. They were all around her, Dead. It was all her fault. They tried to save her, but she destroyed them. She began to laugh hysterically, staring down at their lifeless bodies, and her blood stained hands. She began to cry as she clawed her elven face and her chest, trying to end her life so as to be with them forever, but out of the darkness, something stopped her. It gripped her wrist, and said,

"Selina, wake up. It's a nightmare. You're okay. Open your eyes, love." She opened her eyes, and the darkness was gone. The pain on her face, and in her chest was also gone. She looked up and saw Liam, Roselyn, Pandora, and Brandon right above her face.

"W-what are you doing here? You were all dead...I...I killed you... I didn't mean to...It was an accident I swear!"

"It's okay. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real."

"B-but you were all on the floor...your blood on my hands...It was an accident...You all tried to save me...but I destroyed you...It was so real...I'm so sorry..." She pulled her pillow closer, buried her face in it and began to cry.

Liam picked her up and held her close to his chest in a comforting embrace as she cried her heart out.

"Ssh, it's okay. It was only a dream."

"But it felt so real. The darkness, the blood...the pain... I never want to go through that again." After hearing this Pandora took Roselyn aside and said,

"I think...this is the vampire in her. It wants blood. If she doesn't get blood soon, it will get worse."

"Alright. I'll give her the same choice I did before."

Roselyn walked over to Selina and Liam.

"Hey, kitten. You have two choices. You can have these cherry blossom flavored lollipops that contain blood, or you can drink mine. It's your choice." Selina looked into Roselyn's eyes,

"Is there an option that doesn't involve blood?"

"Everything involves blood in some way or another. Sorry Lina."

"No...I can't... I won't hurt anyone unnecessarily." Selina extracted herself from Liam's embrace and ran to the balcony. Once on the balcony, she saw that Brandon and Roselyn had followed her.

"I'm doing this to protect you, my baby, and everyone else. I'm sorry, but I have to stop her...him...them..." With that, she attempted to fly by jumping from the railing. Liam ran out and yelled desperately to her

"Don't you dare try to kill yourself. You will get through this. Think of all who love you. Think of Alice, Think of me. Please, come down from there." Liam pleaded.

"If she does what I think she will, jump after her, I'll teleport you both up." Brandon said telepathically to Roselyn.

"Alright...I trust you."

"No. I'm sorry. I have to do this. To protect everyone. That woman HAS to be stopped. I won't lose anyone else." Selina closed her eyes and tried to fly off the balcony but only succeeded in falling as her foot slipped.

"Oh hell no. I'm not losing another sister!" Roselyn dove off the railing and grabbed Selina by the waist and Brandon, having his magic set on the two of them, teleported them back up to the balcony level.

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