Chapter 10

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The next morning the group had reached Angora. Selina awoke to Roselyn and Vladimir arguing, again.

"I swear to god. If you or that witch hurt her I will kill the guilty party myself!"

"I'm PRETTY SURE me and Brandon and Liam have taken better care of her than you have so just back the fuck off and let us keep doing that, got it?"

"NO! I want you fuckers to stay away from her! AM I CLEAR?!" Vladimir yelled in Roselyn's face. Roselyn pulled back, through a full on punch at his face that knocked him down and drew some blood.

"Back the fuck up. You have NO RIGHT to tell us WHAT to do. Say something like that again, and you're dead meat you fucker."

Roselyn bends over and places her arms over her stomach. It seems like she is going to lose her lunch. Brandon runs over and puts his hand on Roselyn's back.

"Hey", he says gently. "You okay Roselyn? You need a break or anything?" Roselyn slowly stands straight up and looks at Brandon. She then looked at Selina and sighs.

"No", Roselyn replies. "I am good. Just a reaction to getting up too fast. Not to mention my stomach virus...I should be okay now. Let's go inside and have Mary meet Kitten." Roselyn offers her hand to help Selina down from the carriage doorway but then pulls it away when Selina looks at Roselyn with a worried look.

"Sorry. Guess I am kinda sick now aren't I. Brandon and I can get you down, it's fine." Brandon and Roselyn each took one of her hands and helped her down. Liam noticed something wrong with her as she pulled ALice's basket out of the carriage, so he took her aside and tried to talk to her about it.

"What's wrong?" he asked quietly

"Nothing. I'm fine." She tried to walk away, but she stumbled, and almost dropped her daughter.

Liam helped her up and supported her weight, and made sure ALice was ok as they walked into the castle. Despite the castle being for vampires, it is decorated with the brightest and loveliest flowers. It is so colorful that one could forget that this is the domain of a powerful vampire queen. As Liam and Selina walk to the throne room, they hear a soothing voice. It's almost like a lullaby. Selina walks into the enchanting voice. There, on the throne, is a beautiful woman. Her hair was the color of lavenders, her voice sounded like the beautiful raindrops on a still sea, her posture was so perfect that she looked like a statue, and her eyes were a rare copper red with a purple tint. She looks at Selina and stands up. She descends the stairs from her throne and gets to Selina.

"Extraordinary.", the woman said as she circled Selina. "A pure blood...a rare one at that...And such a rare heart... such a true beauty, with grace, sympathy, and understanding of her people. You have been through a lot, haven't you? Poor poppet, I will protect you." The woman states as she takes Selina's marm gently.

"What is your name, young beauty?", the woman asks.

"Selina Luna. But please call me Selina. Everyone does.", Selina blushed. "And who are you, madam?"

"Oh. I am so sorry. I forgot my manners.", the woman chuckles. "I am Mary. But you probably know me as Bloody Mary. But I am a kind and just ruler. The one you need to look out for is the Count."


"Count Dracula...", Roselyn hisses. "That was who my brother was working for. But people messed up his name so he is known as Count Drac. The devil lives within him."

"Count Dracula makes the devil looks nice. He's a fucking piece of shit." Brandon commented.

"Roselyn! Brandon!", Mary states, shocked. "You know that you should not say that! It is very offensive to a lot of vampires. Please go wash up. You don't eat dinner anymore. You are getting thinner...both of you are."

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